
Friday, December 13, 2013

Rare Storm Leaves Jerusalem Snowed In

Just more evidence of global warming...oops, I meant to say climate change.

Jerusalem on Friday night was in the midst of a storm feared to be “three times worse” than the snows that had hit Thursday and earlier Friday, and much of the rest of the country was grappling with stormy conditions expected to last into Saturday.  

In what was described by Channel 2 as the “worst storm in decades,” much of northern Israel was also hit by snow and heavy storms, as were large parts of the West Bank. Israel and the Palestinian Authority were working together to grapple with power outages and other aspects of the storm’s impact.

Haifa was hit with its first snowfall in 22 years, according to officials, and Tel Aviv was battered by heavy rain and hail.

The electric company said it was manning a situation room to receive reports of outages and calling in emergency workers to help restore power to those affected in certain parts of Jerusalem, Mevasseret Zion, Har Adar, Abu Gosh and Tzur Hadassah where many power lines were hit by trees and branches.
It remains unclear whether the company will be able to resolve the mass outages as weather conditions worsen, with some reports indicating it may take up to two days for full power to be restored.
Workers were facing difficulties reaching certain areas due to fallen trees and power lines.
“We did not anticipate the storm to be on this scale,” Oren Helman from the electric company told Channel 2 news.

Earlier Friday, Ben Gurion Airport closed briefly as the unprecedented winter storm — bringing the heaviest December snows on record to Jerusalem — continued to batter the country for a third day.


Makes me wonder if this "unprecedented" storm has anything to do with the fact that John Kerry is in Jerusalem...most likely sticking his finger in God's eye?

The weather even featured in talks between visiting U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said he was briefed on the emergency measures.

Kerry, a former Massachusetts senator, said the snow made him feel "at home."

"I have heard of making guests welcome and feeling at home. This is about as far as I've ever seen anything go ... giving me a New England snowstorm," Kerry said as he viewed a snow-covered Old City of Jerusalem with Netanyahu.


Just another day of crazy, unheard of, record breaking, coldest, hottest, strongest, largest, most powerful, unprecedented weather EVER seen by man.

Hmmm....makes one wonder what BIG THING could be on the horizon....

Luke 21:28
When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

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