
Monday, December 9, 2013

Stunning Stock Market Chart

I believe that most of us can agree that the stock market has become one of our false gods.  Every TV and computer we turn on scrolls the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE (DJIA) across the bottom of the screen.  Every cell phone that we buy has a stock market app built right in so we can see it every minute of every day.  If the market is up...that is "good news".  If the market is down that day...that is "bad" news.

It would be safe to say that more people in this country spend more time looking at the stock market ups and downs than they do reading the Word of God.

Of course we also know the stock market has been very volatile over the past few decades.  During the 1990's it went up, up, up and every American believed they would be a multi-millionaire by the age of 50....until the DOTCOM crash came and saw some tech stocks collapse.

Then following that crash the real estate market started going up, up, up and dragged the stock market back up with it through about the end of 2007...and then both those markets crashed.

And now the stock market is back up over 100% from where it was in March of where might it be going?  The article referenced below shows a chart that lays today's stock market over the stock market chart from the 1920's....and it is pretty interesting to say the least.

With the Holiday shopping season off to a slow start according to preliminary retail sales numbers and with the stock market sitting near all time highs, one can’t help but wonder what will happen when investors realize the economy isn’t really doing as well as we’ve been told by the experts.

The evidence suggests that we can expect devastating global economic changes in 2014 as a result of our national debt, further impoverishment of the working class, and massive new tax burdens resulting from President Obama’s health care legislation. The fundamentals, by most accounts, are indicative of an economy on the cusp of atotal detonation within the next year.

Now, with the prospect of an abysmal shopping season for retailers because of tapped out consumers, the first quarter of 2014 could cause serious problems in financial markets as a result of lackluster performance in corporate earnings.

What’s more, the trajectory of our stock markets over the last eighteen months has been eerily reminiscent of markets back in 1929, right before the crash that led to a decade’s long depression in America.
Ken Jorgustin of Modern Survival Blog writes:
Is there a major financial crash in our near future? You must check out this stunning analogy between the current day Dow Jones Industrial Index compared with the time period 1928-1929 leading up to the memorable stock market crash…
The pattern of stock price movements looks VERY close to the lead-up to the 1929 top.
A lead-up to just any old top is one thing, but the 1929 top was followed by a memorable decline, which makes it all the more worthy of our attention…
Ken stops short of predicting that stock markets will do the same thing this January as they did in 1929, but take a look at this amazing comparison and decide for yourself if it’s possible that this whole thing will break wide open on or around January 14th of 2014:

See article here;

Is our financial god, Mammon, some day going to collapse in a heap of rubble?  Yep.  Do we know when this is going to happen?  Nope.  Would it surprise us if it happened sometime soon?  Nope.  Will it surprise the world if the U.S markets collapse in a heap some day?  Yep.  Will the world be really surprised if it happens one day soon?  Yep...really surprised, because in their minds everything is getting better and the god of Mammon is now standing up strong on both feet!  Real estate, stocks and jobs are all coming back!!  Happy days are here when Mammon reigns!!...says the world.

So what kind of people ought we to be...and how shall we live...knowing that everything we see on earth will one day be gone and that every false god will one day be wiped out?

Where should we be investing the majority of our time?  Where should we be laying up our treasure?

Hat tip to Adam G.

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