
Thursday, January 9, 2014

41% of Babies in U.S. Born to Unwed Mothers

America has a morality problem.  Not only is homosexuality coming out of the closet, but clearly fornication has created a massive problem too.

Not long ago, when I was in High School, there was a girl who got pregnant.  Not one soul knew about it and when we left for winter break she simply never came back to school in January.  When she didn't come back the news started to get out that Jane was pregnant and now that she had started to show the bulge she wasn't allowed in school since it could serve as a bad example.

So what happened??.... society used to shame people for behaving in ways that were not good for society.

Now contrast that with 2013 and my youngest boy brought home his High School yearbook.  In the book there were two full pages DEVOTED to the numerous pregnant girls in High School!!  Complete with pictures and requests for comments and interviews from the girls!!

So in 30 years we have gone from HIDING an unsavory behavior to GLORIFYING it.

( - The fertility rate of women in the United States fell to a record low for the second year in a row in 2012, according to data released last week by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

 Also for the second year in a row, 40.7 percent of the babies born in the United States were born to unmarried mothers.

The U.S. fertility rate has dropped from year-to-year for each of the last five years. In 2007, it was 69.3. In 2008, it was 68.1. In 2009, it was 66.2. In 2010, it was 64.1. In 2011, it was 63.2. And, in 2012, it was 63.0.

Since 1960, the fertility rate in the United States has declined 46.6 percent. In that year, 118 babies were born per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44.

Of the 3,952,841 babies who were born in the United States in 2012, said the CDC report, 1,609,619—or 40.7 percent--were born to unmarried mothers.

2012 thus marked the fifth straight year that 40 percent or more of the babies born in the United States were born to unmarried women.

The percentage of American babies born to unmarried mothers has more than doubled since 1980. That year, only 18.4 percent of the babies born in the United States were born to unmarried mothers.


Holy OUT OF WEDLOCK!!  Since 1980 the figure of unwed mothers has DOUBLED!

Actuarially speaking, do we all know what happens to children who only have a mother and are raised without strong fathers??  Yep....they are way more likely to do poorly in school, do drugs and end up in prison.

Next question...what percentage of the population can a society afford to incarcerate?  5%??  10%??  20%??  At some point we simply can't afford to put people in prison since the costs will bankrupt those of us who aren't in prison.

Look at California.  A few years ago they started releasing felons before they had served their full terms because they simply couldn't afford to keep them all.

Don't listen to the news about our economy, (and hence our society) supposedly getting better and better.

Our society is crumbling as we all begin to stagger around like fools....totally oblivious to what the Word of God says.

1 comment:

  1. The part of your son's yearbook is what is so stunning. I guess growing up in Dakota we think we are immune. WOW
