
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blizzard in South Carolina? "Never Seen Before"

What the heck is going on??  It's like the weather is groaning.  It can't figure out what it wants to do.

Snow in South Carolina, record cold in Minnesota, record heat in Australia and in Alaska some of their lakes haven't frozen yet because it's been so warm.

( A historic snow-storm is extremely likely on Tuesday into Tuesday night as the arctic front settles over the region, bringing major amounts of snowfall to some parts.

Areas with the highest snowfall amounts will be Northeast South Carolina to Eastern North Carolina.  This is an unprecedented event and in my years of forecasting I’ve never seen snowfall number calculation on my grid being this high.  Snowfall ratios will be similar to the storms of the New England region, thus upping the snowfall potential across the board.

Lighter snowfall amounts will be possible for Jackson, MS to Birmingham, AL.  Some areas in the panhandle regions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida will see 3-6″ of snowfall, with higher amounts possible in Mississippi.


What??  The forecaster has NEVER seen snowfall number calculations like this??  How could it be??

I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen so many articles that have the word NEVER in them!!

1 comment:

  1. Never seen so many articles with never in that's funny right there
