
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Egyptian Astologer Warns Israel is About to Get Stronger

This video is pretty interesting.  It shows an Egyptian astrologer on Egyptian TV giving all the 'facts' about how Israel and the Jews grow stronger whenever certain signs of the zodiac enter into the "fire signs".

Is this all a coincidence??  He sure seems to believe he is telling the he sees it.

He is saying that the Arabs better make some peace with Israel soon...or Israel is going to get a lot stronger because of Saturn entering another fire sign later in 2014.

Watch it here;

Again, I have NO IDEA if any of this has any shred of truth....but what I do know is that God made all the stars and planets...and what I DO KNOW is that there WILL BE signs in the sky as the Day of the Lord draws near.

Watch the video and say..."Hmmmmm...?"

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