
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is WWIII About to Start?

This is quite a headline!

Is World War Three about to start... by accident? Max Hastings asks whether rising tensions between China and Japan could boil over

Perhaps it is possible — and how nice it would be to believe this — that war between the greatest nations on earth has been abolished.

The cost and the threat of nuclear escalation is so horrendous that reason argues that nothing remotely resembling the 20th century's vast global clashes can ever happen again.

Assuredly, there can be no more Dunkirks or D-Days, because no Western nation — even the United States — can deploy a mass army.

If conflict does come, it will be waged with the high-tech weapons of our own time: warplanes manned and unmanned, missiles, cyber-attack weapons and the many instruments of destruction guided from space satellites.

But this would not make a great power conflict any less catastrophic.

And this is why a shiver will have run through the leaderships of Asia and of the Western powers this week when China's ambassador to London argued that Japan risks 'a serious threat to global peace' by 'rekindling' the bellicose attitude that hastened the expansion of World War II into a global conflict.


If you go on to read the entire article you will find a discussion on how Japan totally ignores its atrocious history during WWII.  It is common knowledge what they did to the Chinese during the RAPE OF NANKING....but yet their history books refuse to acknowledge what they did.

As we have said before, the history in this area is very old and very ripe with incredible violence.

Wars don't usually start with shooting...they start with comments and small actions.

China's recent move to set up air defense zones around some tiny islands was an action.  Now the words are going back and forth.

Will America really be willing to get involved in some conflict in the region?  We have always said we would....but talk is cheap.

Will China loan us the money for a war against them if we do?

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