
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Israel Has 8 Years Left

Hamas is a terrorist organization that rules the Gaza strip.  They kicked out their LESSER/WEAKER terrorist brothers, Fatah, and made them all flee into the West Bank.  I believe this mini civil war happened back in 2009.

Mahmoud Abbas is recognized as the current President of the PLO and he is in the Fatah party.  The West, believes Abbas is a "moderate" and they carry on negotiations with him when talking about a new Arab state in Palestine.

I think its funny because he can't even control the Gaza does the world believe he is going to keep control of a new Arab state?

And here is what a leader of Hamas is saying about Israel;

Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hammad predicted on Monday that Israel has only eight years left before its demise.
“We are coming after the Zionists with all our leaders and soldiers,” Hammad said. “You have only eight years on the land of Palestine before your demise.”
Hammad was speaking during a military parade organized by Hamas on the fifth anniversary of the IDF’s Cast Lead Operation in the Gaza Strip.
Masses of Palestinian forces loyal to the Islamic movement took part in parades marking the IDF's three-week offensive against Hamas terrorists in the coastal encalve.
The army’s 22-day-long offensive was launched on December 27, 2008 and ended on January 18, 2009.
Hammad said the Palestinians were marching toward victory and have forgotten past “setbacks.”
“We are still on the threshold of an Islamic march and we will enter the Aksa Mosque as liberators, by God’s will.”
Please allow me to paraphrase what he is saying in that last sentence, "By Allah's will we will enter the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and take it back from the Jews who wrested it from us in 1967."
Psalm 83:4
"Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more."

Yeah, sorry you haters of Israel....that simply is not going to happen.

Amos 9:15
"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the Lord your God.

Hat tip to Julie E.

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