
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Israel-Kazakhstan Sign Defense Pact

The chess pieces continue to move around the board as Israel and Iran play a very serious game of survival.

Today we see Israel make a move that most folks never saw coming.

TEL AVIV — Defense ministers from Israel and Khazakhstan inked a security cooperation accord Jan. 20 formalizing military and defense industrial ties between the two nations.
The bilateral agreement, signed in Tel Aviv by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and his Kazakh counterpart, Adilbek Dzhaksbekov, provides a general “umbrella” for cultivating defense trade and future cooperation between the two governments, an Israeli defense official here said.
Since Israel and Kazakhstan established diplomatic ties in 1992, the two countries have signed multiple cooperation accords involving telecommunications, science and technology, and other dual-use sectors.
The Jan. 20 accord formalizes more than a decade of Israeli arms sales to the largely Sunni Muslim, Central Asian republic. Corruption charges stemming from the 2004 sale of Israeli artillery systems forced Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarabayev, in June 2009, to sack the nation’s defense minister and other senior government officials.
Now Israel will maybe have another way to attack Iran?  The map below shows the paths they could have taken to strike.

And now maybe Israel has another option...that being to come from the North right over the Caspian Sea.

Don't bet AGAINST ISRAEL when it comes to their military options.
Hat tip to Tom F.

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