
Thursday, January 2, 2014

North Korea Warns of "Nuclear Disaster"

The world is still very much on edge in numerous places.  Sadly I believe that most Americans are going to fall even further to sleep as the media continues to hype the rising stock market and 'improving economy'.  This is certainly more evidence of WHO the god of this country really is...

"You can't serve two can't serve God and Mammon." (god of wealth).

The Korean peninsula continues to be something to watch as that crazy, nut job, Kim Jong Un, kills his uncle, demands worship as a god and continues to blackmail the world with threats of nuclear activity.

North Korean leader warns of nuclear disaster, threatens US

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said the Korean peninsula will be engulfed by ''massive nuclear disaster'' if war breaks out there again, warning the US it will not be safe in the event of a conflict.

''If the war breaks out again in this land, it will bring about a massive nuclear disaster and the US will never be safe,'' Kim said in his New Year message, broadcast on state television.

''We are faced with a dangerous situation in which a small, accidental military clash can lead to an all-out war.''

Mr Kim added he would not beg for peace and vowed to protect the impoverished but nuclear-armed North with strong self-defence measures against enemies.

The young leader also hailed the recent execution of his powerful uncle as a ''resolute action'', labelling Jang Song-thaek ''scum''.

Read more:

China continues to build up its military and give threats to Japan and South Korea and North Korea hates everyone but may be near a collapse as they are starved for cash and food.  China is very concerned of a North Korean collapse as they certainly don't want a bunch of illiterate peasants from North Korea spilling over into their borders and screwing up their nation.

The Bible talks about the Kings of the East, the Euphrates being dried up to allow a 200,000,000 man army one day marching toward Israel.  For these reasons we believe that 2014 will be a time to watch what happens between China, Japan, North and South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan and that whole general area.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful documentary on Israel that I thought you would enjoy. Nice to see a Wheaton College prof. take up the torch. Praise the Lord.
