
Saturday, February 15, 2014

1 in 4 Americans

Yep...1 in 4 Americans don't know that planet earth orbits the sun!  That is sad.  Are those folks still allowed to vote?

Dear Science Communication Professionals: We have a problem.
Earlier this month, the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham creationism “debate” received a disproportionate amount of press coverage. Considering that there really is no debate to be had when it comes to the science of evolution, for bad or for worse, Nye faced a hostile audience at the Creationist Museum in Kentucky. He hoped to score some scientific points against Ham’s literal translation of the Bible and his absurd assertion that the world was created in 6 days and that the universe is 6,000 years old.
In my opinion, (an opinion shared by other science communicators), the Nye vs. Ham debate did little for science outreach. It was all about who sounded more convincing and only gave creationists some free advertising.
Sorry, I couldn't make that link live so u will have to cut and paste to read it, but notice that
he said there was no debate about evolution and that the science of it was solved!  What?  They 
have nothing showing reptiles evolving into dogs and cats!  Nothing!


  1. You might want to change "aloud" to "allowed." God bless!

  2. Thanks anonymous. I was trying to do some posts from my IPAD and not doing very well with spellcheck, italics, active links, etc... but now am back at my PC.

  3. It is interesting that some are wanting others to be "open minded" when it comes to non main stream views on things they don't like (take examples like sexuality or anti-christian views). If you dare to state something that differs with their worldview and they have gotten 51% of people they deem experts on their side, then you are an idiot and it is case closed. Instead you get name called and told don't confuse me with the facts.
