
Monday, February 24, 2014

Covered With Ice

If burning all this fossil fuel is supposed to make the world warmer....why is the USA experiencing one of its coldest winters EVER?  And why are the Great Lakes almost totally covered in ice for the first time in decades?

New images released by NASA show 88 percent of the Great Lakes covered in ice. The last time the world’s largest group of freshwater lakes was that solid was in 1994, according to NASA. Since 1973, the average maximum ice extent was just over 50 percent. In four decades, the Great Lakes winter ice coverage has exceeded 80 percent just five times.


Of course, I'm not a scientist, so can only look around at what is happening all over the world...and what I read says things like;  worst flooding EVER, coldest EVER, hottest EVER, driest EVER, worst EVER, lowest EVER, highest EVER...or you will read quotes by observers that say, "In all our years we have NEVER seen anything like this!"

So what's going on??  The world is GROANING and God has given us these extremes as a wake up call.  Rest assured people, if the rain stops it's because God stopped it.  If a quake comes, God allowed it.  If a volcano erupts, God ordained it.

The world is not going to end until God says it will end.  He is the God of the weather just as certainly as Jesus calmed the storm.

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