
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Earthquake in England

As you may know, England is experiencing the worst flooding EVER...and the Thames River is dozens of feet above flood stage.  It just won't stop raining.  It's gotten so saturated that now water is coming up from the ground.

So when the earth started to rumble with a rare quake...check out what this guy had to say;

There has been a 4.1 magnitude earthquake in the Bristol Channel.

The tremor was felt here in Cornwall just after lunchtime on Thursday.

John in Liskeard says his whole sofa shook as he had a cup of coffee: "I was sat having a cup of coffee and checking my iPad when I heard this massive rumble and then everything started shaking violently. I thought at first it may be a sinkhole opening up after all the bad weather, but it seems it was an earthquake.

"I'm just waiting for the four men of the apocolypse to come over the hill. We've had the storms, rain, thunder, wind, snow, hail, power cuts ... and now this. I don't know what else can be thrown at us now!"


Of course he is joking about the four "horsemen" of the apocalypse because he doesn't really believe it.

As we have said, the more signs The Lord sends...the more it seems that people fall asleep.

Believe me, you DO NOT WANT to be here on planet earth when God pours out his wrath on this godless, sin-filled planet and its inhabitants.

Have you accepted Christ and his free offering of salvation for all who would confess and believe?

I hope so, because it has never been easier to accept this free gift.  For those who have to come during the Great Tribulation, most will have to endure horrendous conditions and lose their heads to gain salvation....and who wants that?

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