
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Iranians Lie About the Temple Mount

No surprise here.  It seems the Iranians are spreading lies among the Muslims that the Jews are getting ready to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque...which is on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

They are saying this, of course, to whip up protests and Antisemitism.

TEL AVIV – Official Iranian state-run media has released several false reports in recent days using fabricated quotes purportedly from an Israeli minister vowing to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Some of the reports use the made up quotes to incite anti-Israel riots.

Arik Ben-Shimon, spokesman for Israeli Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel, confirmed to WND that Ariel did not make comments about destroying the Al Aqsa Mosque.

“If he actually made those statements it would be headlines in major newspapers around the world and not fake news in Iran’s media,” Ben-Shimon said.

The next day, Iran’s Press TV reported, “Saudi Arabia is supporting the Israeli regime in its plan to replace the holy al-Aqsa Mosque with a temple,” according to an analyst that spoke with the media outlet.

Continued Press TV: “Saab Shaath was talking to Press TV on Saturday, one day after Israeli Minister of Housing and Construction Uri Ariel called for the construction of what he called ‘the Third Temple’ to replace the holy site.”

Shaath went on to call for “resistance” against Israel because of the so-called threats against the mosque in Jerusalem.

“The only thing which will stop the Israelis from going that far is the Arab-Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon,” Shaath told Press TV.

A Press TV editorial cited Ariel’s supposed quotes about the Al Aqsa Mosque to claim “Zionists provoking Armageddon.”

Ben-Shimon, meanwhile, told WND that Ariel did make statements last year about rebuilding the Third Jewish Temple.

“But he was speaking about his dream for the Third Temple to be rebuilt after the coming of the Messiah. He was not referring to any real plans for Israel to reconstruct the Temple,” Ben-Shimon stated.


Temples and Mosques and Messiah...OH MY!  (think Wizard of Oz)

So let's recap....a Israeli official says it would be his dream to see the Third Temple built on the Temple Mount AFTER Messiah comes (remember, the messiah he is talking about will be a false messiah called Antichrist)...the Iranians make up a lie that the Mosque is being readied to be destroyed by the Jews to build their Temple...and the Muslims say their best chance is stop the Jews is by Arab-Palestinian resistance in Gaza and Lebanon.


Now lets look back in the Bible and see what was happening the LAST TIME the Jews were trying to build the walls around the Temple in Jerusalem...after they were released from bondage in Babylon;

Nehemiah 4:7-9

7 But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalem’s walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. 8 They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. 9 But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.

You see, friends, the Arabs (who are now Muslims...but please remember, the Iranians are Persians) have been against Temples, walls and Jews in Jerusalem since before Nehemiah was dispatched to rebuild them!

What we are witnessing today is just a carry over that's been going on for over 3000 years!

 But Satan got real serious when he invented Islam and foisted it up these eternal enemies of Israel....because now they have become so deluded that they believe if they blow themselves up killing Jews and attempting to destroy Israel....they will be eternal heroes and get the best places in heaven...sitting right next to Allah, Muhammad and a bunch of virgins feeding them grapes and wine.

Satan REALLY doesn't want Jews, Temples or Israel.

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