
Monday, February 10, 2014

Major Rainfall Comes to California

Some places in California saw up to 12 inches of rain over the weekend!

At one ski resort they interviewed a skier who was elated that snow had finally come and his comment was, "Thank you Mother Nature!"

Of course I realize that's probably what most folks would say when a TV camera is pointed at them, but really, the entire nation should be thanking God for the rains that he just sent in that it may very well serve to help FEED US ALL over the coming year.

This rain is a good start but the drought is FAR FROM OVER as this single event won't fill their reservoirs, but this is a welcome change of things as California suffers through it's worst drought since it became a state in 1850.

The storms expected to finally bring Northern California a desperately needed deepdrenching this weekend after the driest year in state history aren't just random showers.

They are the result of a developing situation that scientists call "an atmospheric river," and recent research has shown that they have played a significant role in breaking droughts in the past.

Sometimes known as "the Pineapple Express," these rivers of rain are long, narrow bands of highly-concentrated moisture that are formed in the Pacific Ocean and barrel eastward until they hit land, bringing downpours and flooding.

When they hit California, they pack an amazing punch. Just one can carry 15 times as much water as the Mississippi River.

This weekend's storms will offer a reminder of what winter looks like after California suffered in 2013 through the driest year since it became a state in 1850, with reservoirs at record-low levels, farmers fallowing fields and fire danger high.

"Most likely we'll get ponding on the roadways, and urban and small stream flooding," said Larry Smith, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Monterey. "You could see some minor mud slides. It's definitely going to be a messy weekend."

The rain will provide residents a chance to put out empty garbage cans or other large containers to catch rainwater to use later on plants. It also should begin to fill depleted reservoirs.


No doubt the mericful Lord sends His rain on the wicked and the just.

We will continue to watch California as we believe what happens there can be a significant sign of what may be coming for the rest of us.

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