
Monday, February 10, 2014

Polygamy Thrives

I don't know about you, but I have been seeing more and more mainstream articles about polygamy...and why not??  Polygamy will be the next battlefield for what will be allowed to be called "marriage".

Salt Lake City (United States) (AFP) - With 17 of their 25 children still living at home, breakfast is a military operation for the Dargers.

As organized chaos unfolds at the family home in the Utah countryside outside Salt Lake City, the parents come to help out.

Alina is the first, followed by her "sister wives" Vicki and Valerie, and finally their husband Joe.

The Dargers are members of a polygamous marriage, a lifestyle they say is endorsed by their fundamentalist Mormon beliefs.

Joe married cousins Alina and Vicki in 1990. Ten years later, Vicki's twin sister Valerie joined them, after her first plural marriage broke down. She brought five children with her from that relationship.

The family has lived openly for several years now, even publishing a 2011 book entitled "Love Times Three". 

But for a long time, Joe Darger says he worried that he might be arrested under the anti-polygamy laws in effect in the western US state.

"The fear when I went public four years ago, that fear was very real," he told AFP.

"This is a third degree felony... this is serious prison time. My grandfathers were imprisoned, so that was a real impact that we felt."

That fear has lifted for now, following a December ruling by a federal judge that struck down a key part of the state's anti-polygamy law as unconstitutional. 

Alina Darger, who herself works as a lawyer on cases involving polygamy, says the ruling was a relief.

"That's been one of the great things about the ruling -- the decriminalization, and the judge saying basically that the state needs to stay out of people’s bedrooms," she said.

"As long as it's adults freely choosing what they want, then I don't feel it would be my place to tell somebody else you can't choose to love who you love."

Did you see that??  A federal judge said that parts of polygamy laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

Did you see that??  You can't choose to love you you love....

Isn't that exactly how the gay-marriage legalization agenda got started??  Finding one federal judge someplace to strike down some part of it as unconstitutional??  And just a few years later gay marriage is now allowed in 17 states.


"Hey!  I can't help it that I'm attracted to these three women.  I love them all!!  I am simply not made to be with one woman til death do us part.  Who ever thought of that stupid idea of two people together til death?  Clearly some nut case woman who was terrified of her husband cheating on her.  You can't choose to lover who you love...and the government has NO RIGHT to tell me and my wives what to do!!"

And of course if you raise your hand and say, "But what could this mean for society if the marriage breaks up and now these 25 kids are left with no father....because he has fallen in love with three other YOUNGER women??"

No doubt you will be shouted down and called an "Intolerant polyphobic bigot!"

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