
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Radical Islam Leads List in Persecuting Christians

This headline isn't a surprise.  Everyday Islam is torturing, harassing and killing a Christian someplace.

It shouldn't surprise us as Jesus clearly said the world will hate us...and you can spot Satan a mile away in any system or religion that goes out of its way to kill those who disagree with it.


What I do think is sad is how few of us in America, who call themselves Christians, have heard ANYTHING about the plight of our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world?

Our churches seem to have no problem praying for Aunt Alice's bunion surgery or that Dave gets a better job....but have no clue to pray for Peter in Iraq who has been beaten all night and is going to be beheaded by a steak knife in the town square in the morning.

I wonder if when the Church of America sees Jesus,He will ask us how we could have been so self absorbed that we couldn't even hear the cries of our brothers and sisters being persecuted?

Persecution of Christians continues to worsen, fueled in part by the "Arab Spring," which not only unleashed a wave of Islamist radicalism across the Arab world but also left Christians holding the blame for many of the uprisings that removed Arab leaders from power.

In 2013, 2,123 Christians were killed in persecution around the world, up from 1,201 in 2012.

In countries across the Middle East, North Africa and south Asia, Christians are murdered or imprisoned, their homes and businesses destroyed and their rights removed. This area represents just four percent of the world’s 2.2 billion Christians, but the treatment they receive is nothing short of horrific

“It is not an accident, the persecution and mass murder of Christians by Muslims,” said Lee Habeeb, a Lebanese Christian and vice president of content at Salem Radio Network. “It is not episodic. It is by design. It is part of a plan to destroy any competing narrative about God. To bully, threaten, and intimidate Christians into submission, or mass evacuation.”

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has been attacking Christians and blaming them for the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi, even though far more Muslims supported the ouster.

Even with the violence, Egypt ranks as the 22nd-worst nation for Christians, but that's up from 25th in 2013. After Morsi’s removal, the Muslim Brotherhood burned at least 38 churches and damaged 23 others.

Egypt has the largest population of Christians in the Middle East -- about 10 percent of its 83 million total population -- but throughout the attacks, the Egyptian military and government did nothing to help. Because of the violence, some 100,000 Christians have fled the country since the original Arab Spring that ousted longtime leader Hosni Mubarak.

Interesting that the Muslim Brotherhood has climbed to the top of the list and yet it is being reported that Team Obama just invited elements of that murderous clan to be his guests at the White House.

A senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood was recently hosted at the White House for a meeting with President Barack Obama, prompting an outcry from critics of the global Islamist organization.

Anas Altikriti, a top British lobbyist for the Muslim Brotherhood whose father heads Iraq’s Muslim Brotherhood party, recently met with the president and Vice President Joe Biden as part of a delegation discussing problems in Iraq.

Lord forgive us for we know not what we do.

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