
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Whole World is Engulfed in Debt

I ran across this interactive article complete with some charts and graphs.  It's interesting because it clearly shows the debt explosion that has overtaken the civilized world over the past 30 years.

Notice what has happened to America's debt and then notice what has happened to Australia's debt. America's debt as a proportion of GDP is now 88%...and Australia's is only 14% and Canada's is only 37%.

This could be one reason why currency traders are keeping an eye on these two countries as a storehouse of value....since they seem better able to live within their means.

Most followers of finance realize that when a country reaches debt loads of 100% of GDP...the nation's finances become tenuous...and it becomes near impossible to dig yourself out in a responsible manner.

When talking about national debt, the numbers quickly become too big to fathom. The debt level of the U.S. government is now $17.3 trillion. But high national debt is far from just being an American problem. The whole world is now engulfed in debt. 

See it here;

Remember friends, COMMON SENSE tells you that if creating wealth were as simple as creating paper money and assigning a value to it plucked out of thin air....THERE WOULD BE NO IMPOVERISHED NATIONS!!  They could all just print themselves wealthy and give all their citizens enough money to buy anything they needed.

But for some reason (maybe foreshadowing of a coming delusion?) we have all come to believe the lie that the Federal Reserve and their MONEY MAGIC will ALWAYS be able to make our lives wonderful!!

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