
Sunday, March 23, 2014

12th Imam Will Behead Western Leaders

By now I think all of my readers are familiar with the coming messiah hoped for by many Muslims. He is called the Mahdi and also referred to as the 12th Imam.

It shouldn't be surprising that many of the attributes that Muslims claim he will have sound eerily familiar to what the Bible says about the Antichrist.  Of course since Satan is the power behind Islam, he has plucked some Bible prophecies, twisted it around and deceived hundreds of millions of Muslims.

Here is what one Imam is saying will happen to Obama and all the other Western leaders when the 12th Imam returns.  Please remember that the Bible says many people will LOSE THEIR HEADS during the Great Tribulation.

A leading ayatollah of Iran’s Islamic regime is promising that Western leaders will be executed by the Islamic messiah, the state-owned media outlet Mehr news reported Saturday.

“When Imam Zaman ['Mahdi,' the last Shiite Imam] comes, he will behead the Western leaders,” warned Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani, the interim Friday prayer leader of Tehran and a member of the Assembly of Experts, the body that chooses the supreme leader. “However, Imam will not harm the oppressed nations,” he said.

The Shiite clerical establishment in Iran believes that at the end of times, the 12th Imam, Mahdi, a ninth century prophet, will reappear with Jesus Christ at his side, kill all the infidels and raise the flag of Islam in all four corners of the world.

A video revealed in 2011, “The Coming Is Upon Us,” showed regime intentions: change in the Middle East, destruction of Israel and the coming of Mahdi. The video, produced by the regime, was to be distributed in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, the chief commander of the regime’s Quds Forces, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, has called the Islamic Republic the only country capable of leading the Islamic world.

“From a long time ago, countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan claimed leadership of the Islamic world and tried very hard in that pursuit, but none of these countries except Iran is capable of accepting this great responsibility,” Soleimani said. “None of these countries is able to lead the Islamic world due to two key elements: support of fighters and Islamic movements, and defense of Muslims and Islam in the face of aggression on the Islamic world.”

Soleimani called the fall of Quds (Jerusalem) in 1967 the zero point of the Islamic world in its weakness and boasted of Iran’s power today and how it has changed the equation of power in the region and the world.

Soleimani had previously stated that President Barack Obama was not after regime change, but only because the U.S. can’t topple Iran.


As always, please remember to pray for these lost Muslims who are deceived and on their way to hell.  I know it's hard but it's what Jesus commands for his followers.

Of course what is terrifying the Imams and leaders of Iran is that reportedly 4000 people are coming to Christ and rejecting Islam EVERY DAY in Iran!!  We heard that first hand from a Iranian who works for a cable TV station that is beaming in Christian programming via satellite dishes.

Praise God!  Even though Christianity seems to be on the decline in America it is exploding in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.  WE WIN IN THE END!!

Hat tip to Tom F.

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