
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Conclusive Proof That Men Are Evil

This article is graphic to even think if you don't care to hear about perversion you should skip the rest.

A female orangutan was rescued from a prostitution village.  She had her body shaved, (to look more like a woman) and had been taught to present herself (sexually) when men walked by.

Pony is an orangutan from a prostitute village in Borneo. We found her chained to a wall, lying on a mattress. She had been shaved all over her body.

If a man walked near her, she would turn herself around, present herself, and start gyrating and going through the motions. She was being used as a sex slave. She was probably about six or seven years old when we rescued her, but she had been held captive by a madam for a long time. The madam refused to give up the animal because everyone loved Pony and she was a big part of their income. They also thought Pony was lucky, as she would pick winning lottery numbers.

Oh yeah, they would come in especially for it. You could choose a human if you preferred, but it was a novelty for many of the men to have sex with an orangutan. They shaved her every other day, which meant that her skin had all these pimples and was very irritated. The mosquitoes would get to her very badly and the bites would become septic and be very infected, as she would scratch them constantly. They would put rings and necklaces on her. She was absolutely hideous to look at.

It took us over a year to rescue her, because every time we went in with forest police and local officers we would be overpowered by the villagers, who simply would not give her up. They would threaten us with guns and knives with poison on them. In the end it took 35 policemen armed with AK-47s and other weaponry going in there and demanding that they hand over Pony. It was filmed by a local television crew and in the background of the film when we are unchaining Pony you can hear the madam crying hysterically, screaming, “They are taking my baby, you can’t do this!” There is no law enforcement in Indonesia so these people didn’t face any sentence or anything for what they had done.


Now here is what is REALLY interesting...the author of the article says that this behavior PROVES there is no God and then men are "essentially evil".

Well, he has one thing right...MEN AR TOTALLY EVIL!!!  Who can possibly know the human heart, asks Jeremiah...who goes on to tell us that it is wicked and unknowable.  And you know what??  We are BORN THAT WAY!!  No one needs to teach a kid how to lie, cheat, steal, bite, and kill.  They are BORN THAT WAY!!

But does it prove there in no God?  Of course not...God gave us his word so that we could recognize what causes people to walk into a prostitute village in Borneo and desire to have sex with a shaved orangutan....

Romans 1
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.

Hey, just out of curiosity...what do you think is the main god that people worship in Borneo??  Is it possible that they have exchanged the glory of God for images made to look like animals, birds or reptiles...and so God has "given them over to shameful acts"?

The religions of the Ngaju and the religions of other peoples have complex animal and colour symbolism. The hornbill is sacred and is associated with the creation of the world. Hearing or seeing certain birds and animals indicates good or evil omens. Traditional coffins are boat-shaped and modelled on the water snake for men and the hornbill for women. Burial canoes drift down river, taking three days to reach heaven, of which the Dayaks have maps. Before the sailing of the burial canoe men dance around the coffin wearing animal masks and grass cloaks. The dead are given painted hats for their journey to the afterworld. Balawang poles outside villages hung with rotten eggs symbolises katang, a yearly driving out of spirits. The religion found in north Borneo has number symbolism which may be derived from China.

See that here;

Once again, the Bible is proved TRUE!!

1 comment:

  1. this reminded me of when Jesus cast out the demons from the guy who couldn't be bound by chains and Jesus cast the demons into Pigs (Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39). the people came out from the village and told him to leave the region. sad but they were more worried about the money than praising God for the now normal man (who now wanted to join Jesus). Or Paul who kicked a demon out of a woman who made others money by predicting things for them in Acts 16. He kicked the demon out and the owners got the town to back him on it being a bad thing. Your story is bestiality but the town defining the evil madam is not new. As Hollywood shows time and again, evil defends evil.
