
Friday, March 14, 2014

Did Aliens Take the Boeing 777?

Some of us think that this huge plane simply vanishing MAY be prophetic.

Think about it...hundred of people simply vanish?

Is their something to the 777 number?

As the days roll on without any satisfactory answer, the speculation begins to grow.

With that being said, I saw this article about the doomed flight;

Six Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

The world is baffled as to what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 several days ago. One of the largest commercial airliners in existence, a Boeing 777, simply vanished from radar, in a day of advanced technology, and out of sight, in a heavily populated region. Half of the world’s entire population lives in Asia, yet not a single pair of eyes have seen this giant airplane.

Investigators seem to be clueless as to what has happened and have only recently decided they’ve been looking in the wrong place. At least that’s what they’re telling us.

The online site Educate Inspire has recently published a story that asks us to look at six facts that the mainstream media is not telling us. And it’s not conspiracy. These are reasonable questions that are as of yet to be answered.

The article then goes on to ask and explain a handful of reasonable questions....BUT...the last paragraph is really what caught my eye.

The inescapable conclusion from what we know so far is that Flight 370 seems to have utterly and inexplicably vanished. It clearly was not hijacked (unless there is a cover-up regarding the radar data), and we can all be increasingly confident by the hour that this was not a mid-air explosion (unless debris suddenly turns up that they’ve somehow missed all along).

The inescapable conclusion is that Flight 370 simply vanished in some way that we do not yet understand. This is what is currently giving rise to all sorts of bizarre-sounding theories across the ‘net, including discussions of possible secret military weapons tests, Bermuda Triangle-like ripples in the fabric of spacetime, and even conjecture that non-terrestrial (alien) technology may have teleported the plane away.

It was the aliens that took them!!!

Think about it...if the world is baffled and confused by a jet and 300 people vanishing and THAT is giving rise to some very strange explanations....JUST IMAGINE what is going to happen when MILLIONS OF PEOPLE vanish in the twinkling of an eye when the trumpet sounds!!

"After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."  1 Thessalonians 4:17

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