
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Does the World Love You?

If the world does love're probably doing something wrong if you claim to be a follower of Jesus.

With that being said, check out this article about the Pope in today's Wall Street Journal.

Mass Appeal: Pope's Popularity a Blessing for Media

VATICAN CITY—Francis mania is lifting up the religious media.

As Pope Francis marks the anniversary of his election on Thursday, his popularity is generating a boom for a media niche that rarely gathers much notice.

"We are just working night and day to satisfy demand," said Msgr. Dario ViganĂ², head of the Vatican's broadcaster, Vatican Television Center, or CTV, which shadows the pope and supplies papal newscasts and images for both Catholic and lay broadcasters.

Revenue at CTV leapt 40% in 2013, as broadcasters as far afield as Tanzania now want the recordings of the pope's weekly audiences. The windfall has allowed CTV to splash out on more modern cameras and a new €1.8 million ($2.45 million) control room.

Last week—on Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent— Mondadori MN.MI -0.33%  SpA, the publishing house controlled by the family of media magnate-turned-politician Silvio Berlusconi, launched a new weekly dedicated to the pope. The magazine, Il Mio Papa, which will initially cost 50 euro cents a copy, will include a pullout centerfold with Francis quotes and will print three million copies for its first month of publication.

Interest in the papacy exploded after Pope Benedict XVI's surprise resignation last year, and it carried through the conclave that elected Pope Francis. But Pope Francis' personal—and telegenic—gestures, such as washing prisoners' feet on Good Friday and taking selfies with fans in St. Peter's Square, have kept interest high.

"We really have seen a 'Francis effect,' " said Dennis Coday, editor of the National Catholic Reporter in Kansas City, Mo., whose monthly online page views have soared 44% since Pope Francis' election.

A rise in subscriptions and newsstand sales allowed the Tablet, a British Catholic magazine, to spend more than €7,000 to send its Rome-based correspondent on the papal plane to cover World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro last July. It has also hired a stringer to cover Latin America, the home turf of the Argentine pontiff.


Awwww...isn't that special?!  The godless media is making a fortune off the popularity of the Pope!!

And even the TV stations have used their surging prophets to buy more camera's to cover the Pope's every move!!

Hey...wait a second....could this guy end up being the FALSE PROPHET spoken of in Revelation? Could he be the one that is going to be the spokesperson to bring the whole world together under a ONE-WORLD-RELIGION?

Who know??  I certainly don't...but it is interesting to ponder...

Revelation 19:20
But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.

1 comment:

  1. Something pertaining to what you've talked about before...Todd
