
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Huckabee Tells America to REPENT

There has been some news coming out of CPAC the last few days as Conservative speakers from around the country make their first big statements on the march towards the Republicans picking the next presidential nominee.

Of interest was Gov. Mike Huckabee, who borrowed a quote from Billy Graham...if God doesn't judge America He owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah.

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 7, 2014 ( – Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee called on America Friday to repent or else face the same "fiery judgment" God wrought on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Huckabee told the Conservative Political Action Conference, “A society that sacrifices its own children is no better than the ancient Philistines.” He said that “every person has intrinsic value,” noting that “none of us are disposable.” 

In a talk focusing on God, family, and country, Huckabee said he wanted to talk about “things that I know.” The first was that “there is a God, and I know this nation would not exist had He not been the midwife of its birth.” 

“I know that this nation exists by the providence of His hand, and that if this nation forgets our God, then God will have every right to forget us,” he said, reminding listeners that Ruth Graham Bell said, “If God does not bring fiery judgment upon America, then he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Huckabee said he hopes “that we repent before we ever have to receive His fiery judgment. But I know that He is, and I believe that a nation that can remember Him is a nation that will be remembered by Him.”

So as you look at all the headline coming out of America every single day...what do you think the likelihood is that we will repent on a National basis?

I'm guessing the chances are slim and none.

The churches are dying here and the college kids are leaving home, leaving church and never coming the tune of about 80% according to a speaker we had at church a few weeks ago.

The news is ALL GAY pretty much ALL DAY...and EVEN OUR WOMEN are turning into guessing our cup of sin has to be pretty darn close to full and even overflowing.

So it might be bad news for us, but NEVER forget that amazing things are happening in Africa and Asia and the Middle East where thousands are being added to the Bride of Christ every single day.

Praise the Lord!

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