
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Is Moldova Next on Russia's Conquest?

Hey Obama!!  You better call your friend, Putin, again!  He may be considering going into another country and taking some more land to annex for Mother Russia!

What the heck??  I thought Obama was going to push a reset button with Russia when he was elected and make them like us again...after that nasty George Bush went and ruined the world....

Fears that Russia could claw back a second chunk of former Soviet territory in Europe grew on Sunday night after Nato warned that Moscow’s troops were poised to move into a pro-Russian enclave of Moldova.
Nato’s top commander said that Russian troops massed on Ukraine’s eastern border were well placed to take Transdniester, a Russian-speaking enclave that has declared independence from the rest of Moldova.
About a third of Transdniester’s half-million people are ethnic Russians, many of whom want to return to rule from Moscow. To this day, the streets of the capital, Tiraspol, are decked out with statues of Lenin and other symbols of the Soviet Union, of which Moldova was a member until its break-up in 1991.
US Air Force Gen Philip Breedlove, who is Nato’s supreme allied commander in Europe, said that gave President Vladimir Putin a pretext to send troops in there as a “protection” force for ethnic Russians, just as he has done in Crimea.

“There is absolutely sufficient [Russian] force postured on the eastern border of Ukraine to run to Transdniester if the decision was made to do that, and that is very worrisome,” he said at a meeting in Brussels hosted by the Marshall Fund, a German think tank.

Gen Breedlove’s comments came as Ukraine’s new pro-Western government said it feared that Russia planned further military annexations of the east of the country. On Saturday, Russian forces attacked another Ukrainian military base in Crimea, as part of their drive to force Ukrainian troops out the peninsula.

Is anyone in Europe going to stand up to Putin's tanks and well trained soldiers? 

Probably not...rumor has it that their one tank broke and they think militia are politically know...they are SO violent....and they have those ishy guns!

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