
Monday, March 3, 2014

Obama Warns Russia...Putin Not Scared

I can just imagine the conversation in the Kremlin;

"Mr. Putin, we just read the Obama is warning you there will be repercussions if we continue our behavior in Ukraine."

"Oooooo.....I'm so scared!!  What's that sissy-girl Obama going to do?...write me a letter??"

"But Mr. Putin, Obama is saying they are going to gather the consensus of the global community to come against us!!"

"Again, ooooooooo.....I'm so scared!  The Europeans don't have enough soldiers, guts and guns to take over Luxembourg!  I mean really, what are they going to do?  And America?  They are counting the days until the can drag their sniveling tails out of you REALLY think they are going to do ANYTHING militarily??  Mark my words, in about 2 days a strongly worded letter will show up, but these pussies will never risk a war that WE are prepared to fight."

"But they are saying they could threaten us with economic penalties!"

"I might send you to the gulag if you don't quit with these whiny doubts that you bring to me.  We OWN the USA in that we could crush them by demanding payments on the US Treasurys that we own.  Also we supply all the natural gas to Europe so if we shut them off...they all freeze during this coldest winter EVER!!  Ha ha ha haha ha haha!! (insert sound of evil laughter)"

Poor Obama!  Poor John Kerry!  They really are in way over their heads.

As one US Congressman said, "Putin is playing chess while Obama is playing marbles."

Ukraine's new government appeared to lose control over the restive territory of Crimea on Friday after heavily equipped gunmen—possibly Russian soldiers—surrounded its two main airports and armed checkpoints were established on key roads.

Officials in the West reacted with alarm, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and others working the phones to Moscow. President Barack Obama publicly told the Russians "there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."

In Kiev, the country's capital, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov went on national television to accuse Russia of "blatant aggression" aimed at provoking a conflict that could lead to the annexation of Ukrainian territory by Moscow.

Top officials in Kiev said the men who had taken over the airport and the roads—who wore unmarked military uniforms and carried automatic weapons—appeared to be Russian soldiers.

The unrest in Crimea—where Russia maintains a naval base despite ceding control of the territory decades ago—raised the possibility of the de facto partition of Ukraine, a former Soviet republic that gained its independence in 1991.

For the U.S. and Europe, which appeared only days ago to have succeeded in foiling Moscow's efforts to pull Ukraine back into its orbit, the moves presaged a potentially unstable and violent future for the country. The new government has struggled to establish its authority while seeking closer ties—and tens of billions of dollars in financial aid—from the West.

All these are contested territories that Russia's neighbors accuse the Kremlin of using as levers to pressure them. The existence of these territorial conflicts effectively prevents these countries from joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, something Moscow bitterly opposes.


Also notice the headlines warning that all this cold-war tensions are "roiling" the stock markets of the world.


Meanwhile, you will be pleased to know that the Academy Awards went off last night without any problems.  In fact, one photo taken by Ellen was re-tweeted so many times that it crashed Twitter!

How sad that, as a nation, 90% of the country could name the actors in Ellen's photo, but they can't find Russia on a map.

Now the final question;  How do a bunch of liberal pacifists stop a bully on the playground?  If they sing "Give Peace a Chance" loud enough will the bully stop his bullying ways?

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