
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rumors Swirling of Coming Israeli Strike on Iran

Our buddy Joel Rosenberg is reporting on the rumors coming out of Israel that they have said aside a few $billion shekels for a strike on Iran in 2014.

(Netanya, Israel, March 25, 2014) — Greetings from Israel. I’m here doing media interviews for "The Auschwitz Escape," having various meetings, and trying to get a better sense of how Israeli citizens and leaders are viewing the crisis in Ukraine and the rising Iranian nuclear threat. 

Rumors are swirling in the media here about a possible Israeli preemptive strike on Iran this year. Israeli officials at the highest level -- including the Defense Minister -- are reportedly coming to the reluctant belief that they cannot count on President Obama to take decisive action to neutralize the Iranian threat before it is too late. 

Here are several recent headlines worth noting: 

• Netanyahu orders IDF to prepare for possible strike on Iran during 2014 (Haaretz) 
• Israel said to be budgeting billions for Iran strike – Military chiefs reportedly say they were given top-level orders to keep prepared for action despite nuclear talks (Times of Israel) 
• Israel gears up for possible unilateral strike on Iran (Xinhua Chinese news agency) 
• Defense minister leans toward Israeli operation in Iran, as Obama portrays ‘weakness’ -- Moshe Ya’alon says U.S. is acting feebly -- from China through the Mideast to Ukraine. ‘I hope the U.S. comes to its senses.’ (Haaretz) 

The world is already really interesting...can you imagine how much MORE interesting it will get when we wake up to the news that Israeli fighter jets are pummeling Iran??

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