
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Terrorist Attack in China

Some knife-wielding men in China killed 33 people and injured 143.  Here is the headline;

'Violent terror attack' at busy Chinese train station by knife-wielding assailants leaves 33 dead, 143 injured

Of course the headline doesn't say what kind of terrorists they are so we are left to wonder...

Are they:
a)  Angry Lutherans who got cut from the men's chorus
b)  Angry Buddhists who are offended over a fat Buddha statue
c)  Angry Episcopalians pushing for more gay priests
d)  Angry Muslims hell-bent on igniting the world for Allah

Now think carefully before you answer....we simply have no clue what kind of terrorists we may be dealing could be any of the above.

Over 10 knife-wielding assailants stormed through a railway station in south-west China on Saturday, killing 29 and injuring 143, in what officials said was a terrorist attack by ethnic separatists from the far west of the country.

Qiao Yunao, a 16-year-old student, was waiting for a train at the station when the attack happened. He said he saw people crying out and running, and then a man cut another man's neck, drawing blood.

“I was freaking out, and ran to a fast food store, and many people were running in there to take refuge,” she told The Associated Press via Sina Weibo. “I saw two attackers, both men, one with a watermelon knife and the other with a fruit knife. They were running and chopping whoever they could.”

Shoot!  They simply don't want to tell us what kind of terrorists...except they want separation from China....Yes, but what kind of separatists would just attack a bunch of civilians waiting for train?

Could Lutherans be that cold blooded?

And finally, near the end of the article...we catch a hint that could answer our multiple choice question!

There is a simmering rebellion against Chinese rule by some members of the Muslim Uighur population in Xinjiang province, located in the extreme west of China where the country borders central Asia. The government has responded with heavy-handed security.

Surprise!!!  It does have something to do with angry Muslims!

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