
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Time Magazine & Noah Movie

I believe the new Noah movie opened on Friday across the country....

I wonder if that's why the 5.1 quake rocked Los Angeles (Hollywood) on Friday night?

Seriously, the producers are saying that everyone, including Bible believers, should love this movie because it is accurate.

What?  I haven't even seen the movie, but just listening to the star, Russel Crowe, interviewed on TV...I can guarantee you it's NOT biblically accurate.

I saw this article in Time Magazine yesterday talking about the newly opened film...and also just talking about Noah's Ark.

The Hollywood appeal of the story has been perennially vital, and the latest director to make a play for it, as given out by his film company in 2014, states that his film Noah is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. Interestingly this carefully worded passport has not led to a secure reception in all quarters, and the film has been already banned in Pakistan, Bahrain, Qatar, and UAE as offending Islamic sensibilities. We shall see what transpires in the box office. There is, however, another dimension.

Man can ignore, but never evade, the power of Nature. Reminders of this stark truth might come only intermittently, but when they do arrive it is with irresistible force, displacing the overhanging importance of disease or penury in the dispensation of impersonal destruction. In the face of a muscle-flexing volcano or a tsunami there is no scope to reflect that here might be punishment for personal sin or crime: the good, the bad and the frankly hideous disappear as one. No one can live in knife-edge tension day in day out, however. We all know what happened to the dinosaurs, but it is best to suppress conscious acknowledgement that Nature, if moved to, can annihilate everything just like that.

Such awareness certainly underpinned the psychology of the ancient Babylonians. They were dependent for life on the waters of the paired Tigris and Euphrates of modern-day Iraq but, at the same time, were always vulnerable to seasonal or non-seasonal flooding. On top of that they half-remembered a time, long before writing, when their world had been eclipsed by uncontrollable waters that swept over the flat landscape down to the Persian Gulf. The remotest Mesopotamian history, as constructed by the ancient chroniclers compiling their tablets in cuneiform, was categorized as before, or after, the Flood. A great deluge of ancient Mesopotamia surely happened, never to be forgotten.  

That the Flood became a focus for Mesopotamian myth — or what we call myth — is no surprise. The myth, we may argue, is a response to the disaster, incalculably remote at the time of first literary expression, but nevertheless part of unchanging awareness. The pith of the story is of timeless appeal: one hero in the hot seat with full responsibility and almost no time to save the world. The whole is wrapped up in gripping, episodic narrative: planning the flood, choosing the hero, building the ark, surviving the Flood and landing safely on the Mountain to start all over again. The core of the mythologem is that, whatever would happen, the gods would never actually allow the extinction of the human race. And, as for the matching narrative that developed: those who survive floods are those in boats. So, it seems to me, the myth grew up to encapsulate the consoling conviction that, whatever the cosmic disaster, there will always be divine intervention, albeit at the last minute. Man will survive.


Myth?  Regional flood?  Did the Bible just copy what the Babylonians had written?  Man will survive?

Can you see how little Bible knowledge most people have today?  Tragic.

I have heard that the new movie rewrites that actual Bible story to give the reason for the flood that mankind was cutting down too many trees and killing too many animals.  So the message goes "green" right away.  Also it sounds as if Noah wasn't selected because his DNA was pure...but that God knew he would help him kill everyone else on earth.


You may want to read some reviews and decide if you want to donate your $25 to supporting this film.  Even though the producer wants to claim that this movie is taken from the is sounding more and more like it has NOTHING to do with the Bible story.  Sadly, most Americans will walk away from seeing the film and have NO IDEA how it actually conflicts with Truth.

1 comment:

  1. I expect this garbage from the world, but what troubles me most are the supposedly "Christian" radio stations and CBN News that have been advertising it! I guess money talks, and in these last days we are seeing who belongs to the Lord and who belongs to the world. On a happier note: My husband and I saw "God's Not Dead" last night and it was wonderful.
