
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Turns Out Gay People are Biphobic

The bisexuals are out to prove, using science, that they are born with the sexual desire for both sexes.  Of course this HAS to be the case if gay people are born gay, zoophiles are born attracted to animals, gentrophilists are born attracted to old people, pedophiles are born being attracted to young people and 99% of all men are born with strong mating desires to copulate with numerous women...thereby just acting as nature designed us would make us all polygamists!

Now here is what is REALLY interesting.  It turns out that the bisexuals are claiming that some of the most INTOLERANT people of them are HOMOSEXUALS!!  Yep!  I'm not even kidding!!

Turns out that the very people screaming for TOLERANCE of homosexuals are INTOLERANT of bisexuals!  You just can't make that up!!!

Here is that paragraph;  "Studies have found that straight-identified people have more negative attitudes about bisexuals (especially bisexual men) than they do about gays and lesbians, but A.I.B.’s board members insist that some of the worst discrimination and minimization comes from the gay community."

Here are some more paragraphs from this amazing NY Times article;

I asked him why a man who identifies as gay was involved with A.I.B.

“Let me tell you a story,” he said, recalling the time he represented a heterosexual woman in a case against gay neighbors who were trying to have her dog put down. “People would say, ‘You’re gay — why aren’t you helping the gay couple?’ I’d say, ‘Because I always side with the underdog.’ The poor dog was in animal prison at animal control, with nobody to advocate for it. The dog needed help, needed a voice.” He paused and caught my eye in the rearview mirror. “You’re probably wondering where this is going and whether I’ll shut up anytime soon.”

“I know I am,” said Ian Lawrence, a slender and youthful 40-year-old A.I.B. board member in the passenger seat.

“Well, bisexual people are kind of like that dog,” Kane said. “They’re misunderstood. They’re ignored. They’re mocked. Even within the gay community, I can’t tell you how many people have told me, ‘Oh, I wouldn’t date a bisexual.’ Or, ‘Bisexuals aren’t real.’ There’s this idea, especially among gay men, that guys who say they’re bisexual are lying, on their way to being gay, or just kind of unserious and unfocused.”

Lawrence, who struggled in college to understand and accept his bisexuality, nodded and recalled a date he went on with a gay television personality. When Lawrence said that he was bisexual, the man looked at him with a pained face and muttered: “Oh, I wish you’d told me that before. I thought this was a real date.”

Hoping to offer bisexuals a supportive community in 2010, Lawrence became the head organizer for amBi, a bisexual social group in Los Angeles. “All kinds of people show up to our events,” he told me. “There are older bi folks, kids who say they ‘don’t need any labels,’ transgender people — because many trans people also identify as bi. At our events, people can be themselves. They can be out.”

“Though most bisexuals don’t come out,” Sylla said. “Most bisexuals are in convenient opposite-sex relationships and aren’t open about their sexual orientation. Why would you be open, when there is so much biphobia?”


Of course the Bible says we are ALL BORN as sinners.  We are all born already knowing how to bite, cheat, steal, lie, kill and be perverts as soon as possible!!

And of course that is the entire point of the Gospel.  We were ALL BORN as sinners...but through the power of Jesus Christ we can all be BORN AGAIN!  And when we are we REPENT and TURN from the desires of our flesh.  We certainly don't try to justify our sinful desires any longer.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

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