
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Did a UFO Just Stalk Some Deer?

This story is pretty strange...and has the pictures to prove it.

You all know how everyone is putting up motion cameras out in the woods to take pictures of deer and other game animals?  Well this camera in Mississippi caught something pretty strange coming out of the sky to look at the deer.

They were caught on camera the night of February 16. Mysterious lights that appeared in the sky over the 150 acres that Rainer and Edith Shattles call home in the Cumbest Bluff area of Jackson County. Were they a phenomenon that's simple to explain, or something else?

The Shattles never tire of looking at the strange images caught by their trail cameras on that clear winter night.

"We have unusual things happen around here that happen, but it's usually associated with our grandchildren. But this case, we didn't know what it was," Edith recalled. "I was looking for a nice buck to be showing up on the trail camera actually."

The timeline of the pictures is clear. At 7:24pm, deer appear and all is normal. At 7:29, a dim light appears. At 7:35, it gets brighter. Then at 7:53, a weird shape appears on the camera.  The deer are lit up brightly, but how? The cameras are infrared and don't emit light. At 7:56, another sharper light appears, then it gets much closer, seemingly focused on the deer. It looks like headlights, but well off the ground and there is no road. It then flies away. 

Rainer takes me to the site deep in the woods.  I see the trees where the object appeared. Rainer tells me what he's thinking.

"Well at first, I was trying to see if it was something or a reason for what we were seeing. But the more we looked at it, the more we realized that it was something that was in the air, it was something that I had never seen before." 

Edith said reaction from friends is what you would expect. 

"Well, actually they are all just like we were. What? What is that? And, let me look at that again."

Another picture shows another deer looking at a light that comes from nowhere. Rainer has a theory. 

"Well, if it's alien, I'm not sure about that. But it's definitely a UFO. Now whether it's a government drone or what, I wish if nothing else, one of them would step up and say, 'Yes, that's ours,'" Rainer said. 

See video and photos here;

So what is this?  I have no idea.  But one thing is certain...the world is being prepared to ACCEPT 'aliens' flying UFO's and also to accept whatever message they end up bringing us.

Also, YOU CAN BE CERTAIN that the message that they do bring will have NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUS CHRIST and in fact will almost certainly CONTRADICT the message of the Gospel.

If it does, we can be certain that these "aliens" are NOT sent from Jesus.

"You are either FOR ME or AGAINST ME."

Yep!  Pretty black and white!  No grey area there at all.


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