
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Goodbye to the Universe

Have you ever heard it said that while the Bible can't prove itself scientifically...but science has NOT been able to prove anything false in the Bible?

It seems that the farther science digs into the universe and life the MORE complexities that they find!  Many scientists are coming to the conclusion that there is NO WAY that all of these complex life forms and functions of the universe could possibly have 'just happened' because of random chance.  How can ANYTHING dead create ANYTHING living?

I ran across this one article and noticed near the end some very interesting thoughts.

What is the universe made of? The ancient Greeks conceived of the “atom”, the indivisible unit of matter. Today’s physicists talk of smaller particles – quarks and electrons, neutrinos, Higgs Bosons and photons. Understand them – and the forces that hold everything together – and we may finally get a handle on what makes it all tick.

The trouble is, the more we drill down into the subatomic world, the more complexity we find. The bedrock of reality seems as elusive as ever. Perhaps, says a leading theoretical physicist, we do not live in a world of particles and forces at all – but of pure mathematics.

Max Tegmark, professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, claims that at the heart of everything are numbers. On one level this is uncontroversial; the whole point of physics is that we can use mathematics to describe the world around us.

Tegmark’s universe of gyrating numbers, of equations literally coming to life, is one of bizarre possibilities and incomprehensible scale. Perhaps his most shocking argument concerns the role of humans, and consciousness in all this. Far from being insignificant monkeys in an ordinary little planet, we may be, he says, the only things that give the universe its meaning.

Again using mathematics, he argues that ET probably does not exist, at least in the observable part of “our” universe. If it is just us, then this has profound implications Tegmark says: “All those galaxies only became beautiful 400 years ago when someone saw them for the first time. If we humans wipe ourselves out, then the entire universe becomes a huge waste of space.”

One day, he says, if we avoid destroying ourselves, humans will probably colonise the cosmos. And whether we do this will depend, in large part, on the choices we make – decisions about nuclear weapons, climate change and all the existential threats on the horizon. If he is right, we are the meaning of life, the universe and everything, and ours is the most significant century in nearly 14 billion years.


So what if God simply made the world and all we can see JUST FOR HUMAN that we can clearly see how awesome God really is?

Is this maybe what the Bible has been saying all along??  That HUMANS are created in the image of God and there ARE NOT thousands of other beings in billions of other galaxies who also EVOLVED out of nothing?

What if Jerusalem and the Holy Land really ARE the center of God's universe?...and all the other billions of galaxies are just there for our recent that NO MAN WILL HAVE AN EXCUSE as we all marvel at creation?

Interesting thoughts to doubt.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dennis you may want to check out
    Scientific Facts in the Bible by Ray Comfort
