
Friday, April 18, 2014

More Dreams and Visions Leading to The Lord

I heard of a recent study that asked Americans to explain what Easter Sunday was all about.  As expected, only a very small percentage could tell you.  But even more concerning than that...almost 25% of those who claimed to be "Church Goers" couldn't explain it!!  It begs the question, "WHAT ARE THESE PASTORS PREACHING ABOUT??  AND IS ANYONE IN THE PEWS AWAKE??"

But take heart!  Even as America seems to be slipping into apostasy, unbelief and atheism, the Bride of Christ continues to grow!  Here is some encouraging news coming out of Iran.  All these millions of folks are our new brothers and sisters!!  Just imagine that!!

Not long after the Iran hostage crisis, the authorities arrested Hormoz Shariat’s 16-year-old brother, Hamraz, on a minor political charge. At the time, Hormoz was a new believer in America and was confident his brother, a political activist who had a small role with the Mujahedeen, would be released. But in 1984, after two years in jail, Shariat’s brother was executed by a firing squad.

Shocked by the news of his brother’s death, Shariat broke down crying, asking God why He let it happen. He felt anger toward God and the people who killed his brother. A few days later, Shariat told God he wanted revenge—but then he recalled the Bible’s words that say, “Vengeance is Mine” (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19). Shariat told God he hated those who had killed his brother—but then he remembered Jesus said anyone who is angry with their brother has already murdered them in their heart (Matt. 5:21-22).

He says he felt the Lord saying to him in prayer, “You know who your enemy is? These people—the clergy and the leaders of Iran—are not your enemy. They are lost children. You have only one enemy. Satan has been working to bring about this injustice. If you want to hurt Satan, evangelize. It hurts him really bad when you bring people to Christ.”

As Shariat tells it, that’s when he committed himself to sharing the gospel the rest of his life.

“I had a vision that by the end of my life I could bring 1 million Muslims to know Him,” he says. “I also learned that God’s love is the greatest power we have to stop Islam and help Muslim captives be free.”

“It’s amazing,” says Shariat, who founded the satellite broadcasting ministry Iran Alive Ministries in 2001. “God is graciously appearing to people in visions, dreams and through miracles. Sometimes they have dreams or visions of Jesus, run across our satellite television broadcast, hear the gospel, and then they believe. They may have, as children, had dreams or saw visions of Jesus. The vision or dream prepares them for the gospel. Other times they watch our program, ask if this is true or not, and then they have a dream or vision that confirms what they heard.”

The remarkable growth of Christianity in a nation whose Islamic leaders are believed to be developing nuclear weapons and have called for the annihilation of Israel and America—labeling the U.S. as the “Great Satan” and Israel as the “Little Satan”—is certainly one of the most surprising developments in the Middle East in recent years.

While many factors play into what Rosenberg describes as a “historic spiritual awakening” in Iran, faith leaders say Shariat’s satellite broadcasts have played a key role. Rosenberg says, “Satellite television has been a game-changer in Iran, and Hormoz [Shariat] is at the forefront of that.”


Amazing!!  More reports of DREAMS AND VISIONS leading people to The Lord!!

Joel 2:28-31
...your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.  Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.  The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."

"Hey Dennis.... So the dreams will happen BEFORE the Tribulation??"

Yep...that's what it says!!

"Hey Dennis...  Didn't we just have a blood moon last Monday and another three are coming in the next year and a half??"

Yep...that is correct!!

"Wow!!  Hey Dennis, with all the signs happening at the very same time and for the first time in human history...I better make sure I am right with the Lord and have accepted him as my savior!! Furthermore, I better be about spreading the Good News of the Gospel while I all my lost friends, family and neighbors!!  I love them and would hate the idea of them going to a Godless hell for all of eternity!"

Yes...we should ALL BE DOING THAT...while there is still daylight in which to work!!

"The harvest is at hand and the workers are few..."

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