
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pro-Life Student Called "Domestic Terrorist"

Remember friends, the liberals who scream constantly for TOLERANCE are some of the most INTOLERANT people that there are.  If you disagree with them they become totally intolerant of your stance on a topic.  Not only that but they will get angry and nasty in a real big hurry.

Exhibit A takes place on a college campus in Santa Barbara, CA.

Dueling petitions involving a pro-life teen and a professor charged with attacking her are circulating at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the student body is backing the teacher.

Students at the University of California at Santa Barbara are circulating the petitions, one in support of feminism Prof. Mireille Miller-Young, and another backing Thrin Short, the 16-year-old pro-lifer whose March 4 demonstration was allegedly broken up by Miller-Young. The one backing the professor, who has been charged with battery and vandalism, has more than 2,000 signatures, while the one in support of Short has 150, according to The College Fix.

“The last thing we need are these people invading our community,” UCSB sophomore Katherine Wehler, a theater and feminist studies major, told the site.

She said pro-lifers with graphic images of aborted fetuses such as Short and her sister carried are like “domestic terrorists.”

Thrin told that she and her older sister Joan, 21, were holding signs and demonstrating in a free speech zone on the UCSB campus with other pro-life activists when the feminist studies professor -- who teaches one course on campus titled “Black Women in Pornography” -- approached the group.

“Before she grabbed the sign, she was mocking me and talking over me in front of the students, saying that she was twice as old as me and had three degrees, so they should listen to her and not me,” Thrin Short wrote in an email to earlier this month. “Then she started the chant with the students about ‘tear down the sign.’ When that died out, she grabbed the sign.”

The professor snatched the sign and then allegedly walked through two campus buildings as Short, her sister and two UCSB students followed her. Short said Miller-Young pushed her at least three times as she tried to stop the elevator door from closing and get back her sign.

Yes!!  The professor had THREE COLLEGE DEGREES so of course was MUCH smarter than a silly little Freshman girl...who clearly couldn't understand that aborting babies is no different than clipping your fingernails.  That is the epitome of what you would call a LIBERAL ELITE.  "If only all the rest of you were as smart as me, THEN you would leave your ignorant opinions and see the light and agree with me."

Do you think persecution is going to keep coming for any of us that cling to the Word of God?

Is it any wonder that MOST of our kids come back from college as atheists?...when 95% of the professors are jamming liberal thoughts and atheistic world views into their heads during some of their most impressionable years?

My kid is a freshman at a WI university and he told me his Psych professor spent an entire class hearing personal testimonies by gay students on campus.  What the heck??  How much did we have to pay for that class??  And isn't it interesting that the class is REQUIRED for freshman?? Now he just texted me that the same professor is now warming them all up to do yoga during class time!  What the heck does yoga have to do with psychology??  Nothing!!!  It has everything to do with indoctrinating them into liberal, atheistic world views...exactly as Satan wants.

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