
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Russian Fighter Jet Buzzes U.S. Navy Ship

What's up with Russia?  I wonder how long we will ask that question?

I heard Pastor Skip Heitzig mention an old saying that he had heard Jewish Rabbis speak of, "When you see Russia take Crimea, we can know that messiah is close."

Why would they say that?  Because they study Ezekiel 38 just like we do!!  And they have studied it for 2800 years now!!

But let's remember that for the Jews who haven't accepted Christ as Messiah...they are still looking for the first coming.  And remember that the Antichrist will come riding on a white horse (false messiah bringing peace) and lots of Jews will believe him to be the Messiah....that's probably why they let him sit in the Temple and declare himself to be God.

Anyway...back to Russia.

WASHINGTON: A Russian fighter jet made several passes at low altitude near a US destroyer cruising in international waters in the Black Sea at the weekend, the Pentagon said on Monday, branding it “provocative and unprofessional.”

The incident close to the Romanian coast further heightens tensions already inflamed by Russia’s actions in Ukraine, where Moscow annexed the Crimean peninsula and stands accused of stoking unrest.

The US vessel was sent to the Black Sea on April 10 in a show of Washington’s solidarity with its Eastern European Nato allies concerned about Russia’s actions. Colonel Steven Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said: “On April 12, a Russian Su-24 made numerous close-ranges, low-altitude passes in the vicinity of the USS Donald Cook, while the Cook was conducting operations in international waters in the western Black Sea.

“The aircraft did not respond to multiple queries and warnings from Donald Cook. The event ended without incident after approximately 90 minutes.” He added: “This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with international protocols and previous agreements on a professional interaction between our militaries.”

During some passes, the Russian plane came close to less than 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) from the American ship, a military official told AFP on condition of anonymity. The plane “appeared to be unarmed,” Warren said, adding that it fluctuated between flying up to several thousand feet in the air and almost skimming the water.

“It did not overfly the deck of the Donald Cook.” A second Su-24 was nearby, but was not involved, Warren said, warning: “The Donald Cook is more than capable to defend herself against two Su-24s.”


Friends, I think it's pretty simple to explain what is happening.  Russia was once the most feared and respected country in the world...and they led the Soviet Union.  We spent over three decades developing technology to stay ahead of her mighty military and Communist aspirations.  Then she just collapsed in a heap of rubble and poverty and could barely produce enough GDP to compete with New Jersey.

Putin is old-school KGB.  He remembers the days when Mother Russia was in a constant cat and mouse game of spy vs. spy with the USA.  Countless movies and books were written about this great Cold War and chess match...and now Russia is not much to look at...BUT PUTIN WANTS THE GLORY DAYS BACK!!  And the glory days included a HUGE MILITARY that wasn't afraid to go knock some heads if any of the Soviet satellite nations got out of hand...a military and nation that was respected and feared by all.

So now Putin is throwing some macho around...and lots of Russian people love it!!

Of course we can look at Ezekiel 38 and wonder to ourselves if Putin isn't the character mentioned as Gog?

Could God be putting hooks in their mouth and drawing them out in into world affairs?  Could Iran and Turkey be getting ready to be even more heavily influenced by Russia...and join a coalition that one day seeks to destroy Israel?  Could the HUGE NATURAL GAS field discovered by Israel that just opened for business be the "booty" that Russia is really after when she decides to invade Israel?

Ezekiel 38:19
"When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the sovereign Lord."

Now read the rest of the doesn't go well for Gog and his confederation.

Are we witnessing the run up to this event??

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