
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

U.S. Warns China About Their Currency

This has got to be a sticky situation to play:

"Hi China, this is Team Obama...we understand that you have loaned us $1 Trillion...and we understand that you make 90% of everything on our Walmart shelves...and we are really thankful for that...but....about your currency can we say this....ummm...we don't really like while we like to manipulate ours...we don't really like it when other countries do it.  Does that make sense?"

The Obama administration on Tuesday told Beijing it was watching the value of China's currency closely, expressing concern over its recent drop and saying it remains "significantly undervalued."

In a semiannual report to Congress, the U.S. Treasury stopped short of declaring China a currency manipulator, but singled it out among large U.S. trading partners for its currency practices.

"Recent developments in the ... exchange rate would raise particularly serious concerns if they presage renewed resistance to currency appreciation and a retreat from China's announced policy of reducing intervention and allowing the exchange rate to reflect market forces," the Treasury said.


Just remember what history has taught us....currency wars beget trade wars...and trade wars beget shooting wars...and shooting wars are really good for big business, especially the industrial/military complex.

So what could the USA do to punish China for holding their currency value down?  A trade war?

How about we threaten to stock our Walmarts from other sources, besides China?

Well, you know those pajamas you bought there last week for $4 and the swim trunks you bought for $8?.....yeah....well those are gonna cost $23 for the jammies shipped in from Sri Lanka...and the swim trunks are gonna be $29.99 for the ones made in Viet Nam.

"But Dennis...I want Walmarts to only stock stuff made in America!!  This is America!!!!  Go America!!  Wooh, whooh, whooh!!" (insert fist pumps)

Yeah....then try $46 for the jammies and $50 for the swim trunks.

"But Dennis, if that's true and we spend all our money on American-made could my family afford to eat out at Applebee's 4 nights per week and Perkins 3 nights per week like we currently do?!?  We would have no food!!"

Now, go to the video store or get on Netflix and rent the movie, DEATH BY CHINA...and you may begin to understand the depth and breadth of the problem.

"But Dennis...this is America...the greatest country in all the earth...and it ALWAYS will be!"

To which I would tell you to go read Pastor Erwin Lutzer's book, WHEN A NATION FORGETS GOD.

One day, probably sooner than anyone can imagine, America will be on the dust-heap of history, along with Babylon, Iran, Greece, Rome, Spain and England.  I HOPE it's the Rapture that causes America's collapse...but of course there is no guarantee of that.

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