
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Yellowstone Volcano Has Big Quake

I will be blogging from my I Pad for the next few days, so please pardon my lack of writing....but it is difficult to blog with.

Yellowstone super volcano has had some big recent quakes.  As WE all know, when it erupts America will cease to exist.  Just one other event that we have no control over...but yet we refuse to turn to Creator God as our sustainer.

Yellowstone volcano activity is being feared by many after the 4.8 magnitude earthquake has struck the Yellowstone National Park on Sunday which was also followed by several aftershocks.
The earthquake that was felt around 2:24 in the morning of Sunday was recorded to be in a 4.8 magnitude which was said to be the biggest quake felt after 34 years. The tremor struck the northwest portion of the park but prior to the big quake, smaller quakes were already felt since Thursday. After the earthquake was felt in the said region, Yellowstone volcano activity is being monitored since many fears that the volcano might erupt.

The Yellowstone National Park actually sits atop on one of the world's largest super-volcano which is known as the Yellowstone Caldera or also referred to as the Yellowstone Super volcano. As queries and amount of fear continues to rise, speculations regarding the Yellowstone volcano activity also arise. The said speculations also resulted for many individuals to be anxious because of the fearful tendency of the volcano to erupt.


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