
Monday, May 19, 2014

14 Ounce Baby Born

For all the people who are PRO-ABORTION...this story HAS to make you wonder about your stance.

A newborn baby is fighting for his life after weighing in at just 14 ounces - and measuring only 10 inches.

James Maize and wife Carrie decided to go through with an emergency C-section at 22 weeks after their son suffered an umbilical cord prolapse.

Named Decklen Maize, he is now being cared for a St Mary Medical Center, in Apple Valley, California.

"If he’s a fighter, you know, we want him to fight and make his own decisions," Mr Maize said.

"It's rough…just being able to sit there at his bedside and just pretty much whisper."

It comes after the couple's daughter, Serenity, died last year after being born at the same stage of pregnancy.

See photo and video here;

So think about this....if these parents decided they didn't want this 14 ounce baby because it was going to be inconvenient and expensive for them to care they twisted the baby's head off and threw it all away...they would be CHARGED WITH MURDER and even the liberals would say, "That is horrendous!"....BUT....had they decided they didn't want this baby a few days earlier, they could have driven to an abortion doctor who would have twisted it's head off and thrown it all into a dumpster.

In one scenario they would be called "MURDERERS!"....and in the other scenario they would have been given sympathy and support for their "Brave choice!".


Can you see how the Godless liberals are literally being given over to the desires of their hearts?  They have even figured out how to murder babies legally...and get the government to PAY FOR IT!!!!!

"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

As I heard  Dr James Dobson say years ago, "The blood of millions of murdered babies are crying out from U.S. soil, saying, "Justice!!"

Justice IS coming...and his name is Jesus.

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