
Monday, May 12, 2014

"Unusual" Arctic Earthquakes

We don't spend a lot of time posting about all the earthquakes that we all now hear of.  Some people say they are happening more frequently...while others say there are just as many as always, it's just that we have so many more monitors that we can now detect them all.

I certainly won't argue either one of those cases....but Jesus did say we would hear of earthquakes in various places and it would be one of the signs that the Great Tribulation is drawing near.

Of course I don't need to tell any of you that the Rapture happens before the Great least that is our blessed hope.

Anyway, this headline caught my attention because it certainly would fit the bill of us hearing of earthquakes in various the Arctic...and that is unusual...or so the scientists say.

In recent weeks, two powerful earthquakes have rocked the Northwest Arctic, leading some to ask why, and if these two are a sign of things to come.

On April 18, the first quake rang in at a magnitude of 5.6, while on May 3 a second quake shook the region at 5.5.

Before the first one in April, it had been more than 30 years since an earthquake that strong struck the region, said Mike West, a seismologist with the Alaska Earthquake Center.

"This got our attention," West said. "It's not unprecedented, but it is unusual."

As for whether the Big One is imminent, West said there is no evidence to suggest it, but it's not being ruled out.

The vigorous aftershocks that followed both quakes were in the 4- to 4.5-magnitude range and continued from the time the first quake struck until the second was felt two weeks later.

"Both were essentially the same magnitude and in the same location; that's different for us," said West, who is also the director of the center.

"I'm not aware that there is an existing fault in the bedrock in the region that these events are occurring on. These are relatively small (earthquakes) but are certainly disturbing. This is occurring in an area of the state that's not typical so it is alarming for people."

Read more here:

Yes!  The guy prophetically asks if these quakes are a sign of things to come?

The Bible says that one day a MASSIVE quake will rumble the world and split the Mount of Olives...when Jesus returns at the end of The Tribulation.

"The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel."  Joel 3:16

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