
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vatican & Extra-Terrestrial Life

What the heck is going on with the Vatican and ET?

Have those crazy Catholics been finding something out in space while peering through their mega-expensive telescope mounted on Mt Graham in AZ??

Are they getting ready to deliver a message to all us humans that, "We are not alone in the universe"?

Are they really going to be willing to baptize the aliens if they show up on they clearly announced a few years ago?

Why would the Vatican be so sure that this intelligent life, far more advanced than ours, is going to be friendly?  How can they know that they won't show up and eat us all for a bedtime snack?

No worries!  They/re going to host a conference on it prepare us a little more for their findings!

Motivated by the rapidly increasing number of known Earth-sized planets, the increasing range of extreme conditions in which life on Earth can persist, and the progress toward a technology that will ultimately enable the search for life on exoplanets, the Vatican Observatory and the Steward Observatory announce a major conference entitled The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Exoplanets, Biosignatures & Instruments.

The goal of the conference is to bring together the interdisciplinary community required to address this multi-faceted challenge: experts on exoplanet observations, early and extreme life on Earth, atmospheric biosignatures, and planet-finding telescopes.

The sessions of the five-day meeting will include invited review and contributed talks, followed by extended discussions. There will be posters, but no parallel sessions. We will limit the number of attendees to 250 to allow interactions between the participants. The conference will include a banquet (Wednesday evening) and an afternoon break (Tuesday) and two evening slots for collaborative team meetings. The Friday morning session will include a coordinated discussion that will provide input for a conference summary.


Really??  Are they motivated by the rapidly increasing number of known Earth-sized planets?....or are they being motivated by Satan to prepare all the humans for a visit from a bunch of demons....disguised as "aliens" who have come in peace to tell us how things REALLY are!!

Yes friends...I know this sounds like the script to a crazy movie made in Hollywood...but please remember that SO DOES MUCH OF THE BIBLE!!!

Think about the stories of the Bible...we have angels in three breeds that we know of...Cherubim, Seraphim and Ophanim...we have fiery horses pulling fiery chariots coming to snatch Elijah from the earth, we have Ezekiel seeing a spinning wheel in the sky with lights all around, we have mutant-hybrids called the Nephilim of Genesis 6, we have the earth being flooded and only 8 humans survive, and we have a fallen angel named Satan who no one can see, but yet is responsible for countless atrocities on planet earth.  Does that all sound a little strange too??

So WHY SHOULD demons running around pretending to be aliens be any stranger??

And why should it surprise us that the Catholic church is going to be behind the announcement?

The Bible says that a ONE-WORLD-RELIGION is coming for planet earth and that a false prophet will accompany the Antichrist to calm everybody down after the rapture...and then set the stage for the biggest calamity to EVER befall planet earth...called the GREAT TRIBULATION.

Jesus tells us that this event will be so catastrophic that if HE didn't cut those days short by returning to earth...NO FLESH would survive.

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