
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On

As we have written in the bloggers we aren't here to prove whether there are MORE earthquakes or can Google as well as we can...and you can find people who say there are and others who say there aren't.

But this headline and article plucked off of Yahoo News is of interest...especially to those who enjoy watching for the things that Jesus told us to watch for...which should lead us toward the anticipation that The King is coming!...and spur us on to be busy about the Master's work.

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On: Busy Stretch for Large Earthquakes

If you have gotten the sense that Earth has been active lately, you were right.

A Live Science analysis of U.S. Geological Survey data finds that April's first three weeks were the busiest stretch for earthquakes going back to at least the beginning of last year. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said April was a record month for warnings from the Alaska-based center.

How about May? There were 17 magnitude-6 or larger earthquakes globally between May 1 and May 20, following a busy April that saw 26 temblors in that same magnitude range. By comparison, there were only six earthquakes this big in February, eight in January and just two in December.

Are you wondering if it's your imagination, or is there really an uptick in earthquakes? To find out, Live Science posed this question to seismologists, the scientists who study the trembling Earth, at their annual meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, last month. Not surprisingly, some had pithy responses.

"I've been answering that question for 34 years," said a smiling John Ebel, a professor at Boston College in Massachusetts. Translation: Nothing to see here. Move along.

But Thorne Lay, a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, thinks there's something interesting happening with the world's great earthquakes.

Between 1900 and 2004, the average yearly rate of quakes of magnitude 8 and larger was 0.65, Lay told Live Science. In the past 10 years, that rate jumped to 1.8 — an increase of almost a factor of 3, he said. But only the biggest quakes are becoming more frequent. There isn't a similar rise in smaller earthquakes.

"There's a big mystery there," Lay said. Unfortunately, it's a tough one for researchers to solve. "The 110-year record is totally lacking," Lay said. "It's too short a window."


About half way through the article, there is an interesting sub-heading that says;

No end times here

It's as if the author of the article wants to make sure that we all know this has NOTHING to do with the signs that would point us to the Last Days.

"Move along folks...nothing to see here...just keep living your lost, meaningless, Christ-less existence...keep marrying, shopping, eating, drinking, carousing, merry making and inventing ways to do evil.  Since the creation of the world these things like quakes and strange weather have always happened...don't worry about a thing!"

Exactly as it was in the DAYS OF NOAH....before the flood came and took them all away.

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