
Monday, June 23, 2014

Ebola Virus is "Totally Out of Control"

Words like "unprecedented" and "worst outbreak ever" are in this report that describes an Ebola outbreak that is scaring some nations in Africa.

Healthcare workers from the Doctors Without Borders prepare isolation and treatment areas for their Ebola, hemorrhagic fever operations, in Gueckedou, Guinea.

An outbreak of the terrifying Ebola virus emerged in the West African nation of Guinea in February and has been spreading ever since, infecting people in Sierra Leonne and Liberia as well. It is now the biggest and deadliest outbreak of Ebola since the virus was identified in 1976.

The disease's spread seemed to slow down for a while, but has picked up in recent weeks. An estimated 528 people have been infected, and 337 have died in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. While it's likely that many cases go uncounted, the Associated Press notes that previously, the largest reported death toll was in the Congo in 1976, when 280 people died. (The most widespread outbreak infected 425 people in Uganda in 2000, killing 224.)

"The epidemic is now in a second wave," Bart Janssens, the director of operations for Doctors Without Borders told the Associated Press. "It is totally out of control."

In an interview with NBC News, Robert Garry, a microbiology professor at the Tulane University School of Medicine, warned that the outbreak so far is just "the tip of the iceberg."

Ebola is one of the deadliest viruses ever known, with the most fatal strains killing up to 90% of people infected. The current strain is killing about 60% of people infected, NBC News reports.

Ebola begins as fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat, but soon progresses to vomiting, diarrhea, rash, and impaired organ function. A large proportion of those infected also bleed profusely, both internally and externally. It's considered highly contagious, though it isn't transmitted through the air — instead it's spread by bodily fluids like blood and saliva which can be very hard to avoid when someone is bleeding heavily from every orifice.

Ebola first emerged in humans in 1976, and there have been more than 18 outbreaks since then. There is currently no vaccine and no cure.


The deadliest of viruses and it has NO CURE!  Once you contract it, your insides literally start to melt in your body and you begin to bleed out of every orifice that you have....until you die.

Remember how Jesus said that we could expect to see PESTILENCE as ONE OF THE SIGNS that would point us to the SEASON of His return?

When you put this PESTILENCE SIGN on top of the other signs that include attention on Israel, Israel regathered, earthquakes, wars, rumors of war, strange signs in the sky, famine, drought, floods, persecution, and crazy weather of all becomes harder to ignore the thought that SOMETHING IS GOING ON!

Many of us believe these are all signs that the GREAT TRIBULATION might be right around the corner.  And if it is, that means that the rapture of the church would be the next big event on God' prophetic time table.

So IF YOU BELIEVE THAT, it should spur you and I on to be kingdom minded...and to be busy about the Lord's work in the few years that we have remaining until He returns for us...or we die and leave this meat costume and go to be with Him.

Hat tip to Kevin W. for the term "meat costume".

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