
Thursday, June 26, 2014

North Korea Vows to Destroy Hollywood

Do you remember on September 11, 2012, Team Obama blamed the murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi on a YouTube video that someone in California had made?  Do you remember how the FBI swarmed into this guys life and he ended up arrested for a "parole violation"?

How bogus!!  

Do you know how many thousands of videos are on YouTube that could be construed to be "offensive to Muslims'?  I'm guessing that just about ALL OF THEM are offensive to the Muslims of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Well today we have news that Hollywood has come out with a new comedy that has a plot about assassinating Kim Jong Un....the fearless leader of North Korea.

Needless to say, North Korea is offended.

I wonder if North Korea bombed America, or killed a bunch of Americans in response to this movie...if Team Obama would blame this 'offensive movie' and arrest the directors and actors?

North Korea has promised to “mercilessly destroy” anyone associated with an action-comedy movie that depicts an attempt to assassinate leader Kim Jong Un.

“A preview of a film on insulting and assassinating the supreme leadership of the DPRK is floating in broad daylight in the U.S., a kingpin of international terrorism and its cesspool, shocking the world community,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in comments carried by the official Korean Central News Agency, referring to the North by its official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The ministry spokesman didn’t name the film, though the plot matches “The Interview,” starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, which tells the story of two celebrity journalists who secure an interview with Kim, prompting the Central Intelligence Agency to recruit them as assassins. The film offended all North Koreans, he said.

“It is their firm determination and stamina to mercilessly destroy anyone who dares hurt or attack the supreme leadership of the country, even a bit,” the spokesman said.

Rogen, who directs the movie with Evan Goldberg, responded on Twitter, saying: “People don’t usually wanna kill me for one of my movies until after they’ve paid 12 bucks for it.”

Beyond Tolerance

“If the U.S. administration connives at and patronizes the screening of the film, it will invite a strong and merciless countermeasure,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman said. “The enemies have gone beyond the tolerance limit in their despicable moves to dare hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership.”

It’s not the first film to parody a North Korean leader. Kim’s father Kim Jong Il was mocked in the 2004 animated feature “Team America: World Police,” railing against the chief United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix and singing “I’m so lonely.”

North Korean officials have previously taken offense at actions that ridicule their leader and KCNA has a history of colorful and strongly worded tirades.

A London hairdresser who put a picture of Kim’s distinctive short-back-and-sides and longer-on-the-top haircut accompanied by the words “Bad Hair Day?” in the window of his salon in a bid to attract customers, was visited by officials from the nearby North Korean Embassy who demanded the poster be removed, the Guardian newspaper reported in April.


Hey Team Obama!!  This is America!!  We can make a movie or write a comedy article about ANYONE we want!!  We can mock Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, Monks, Mormons, Jews, Swedes, Norwegians or Koreans.

If the Muslims want to attack us for this...then defend us against the Muslims.

If the North Koreans want to attack us for it...then defend us against the North Koreans.

But don't go bullying or arresting your own citizens because they made a movie that was offensive to someone.

Here's a reality tip for you Team Obama.....EVERY MOVIE IS OFFENSIVE TO SOMEONE IN SOME WAY!!!  Just do your job and defend the constitution...which doesn't promise to protect people from being offended.

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