
Monday, June 30, 2014

Pat Boone Says Obama's Certificate is Fake

Oh-boy.  Obama's claims to where he was actually born and the birth certificate issued that support his claim just can't have any rest.  Now we have crooner, Pat Boone, saying that by September of 2014 the certificate will be proved to be a fraud.

Monday on “The Alan Colmes Show,” Alan spoke with legendary singer Pat Boone, who surprised Alan with an announcement.

Boone made the bold prediction that the President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, that was put out by the White House, will be proven to be a forgery by September 2014. He stated that it will be proven that the document was Photoshopped, which would be a high crime that could be investigated by Congress. While he denied being a “birther,” he said there were enough smoking guns that it should be looked into:

BOONE: What I’m going to predict here is by September of this year, the major smoking gun, which is a high crime, not just a misdemeanor, but a high crime, that supposed copy of the birth certificate that is displayed on the White House website as we talk, by many experts has already proven not to be not a copy of anything, of something that perhaps doesn’t exist, which is an actual birth certificate, but it is a Photoshopped fraud created to look like what they wanted it to look like.

COLMES: You also used the phrase “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” So are you suggesting that with this revelation were it to occur as your predicting that it would be an impeachable offense?

BOONE: Look, I’m not a constitutional law expert so all I’m saying is I’m not going to try to draw, you know, either a judgment or a verdict. But I’m saying there are facts, smoking guns on the table that a Congressional committee ought to at least if nothing else settle all the doubt and the allegations that have been made and show substantive proof. But if this thing is a fraud if is a Photoshopped fraud, then there has to be some kind of reason for that.


You may ask what this headline has to do with prophecy?  Good question.  Probably not much, except to point out just one other example of how distrustful many Americans have become of our leaders.

When you start to understand that America doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere in  Last Days makes you wonder where she went?  Did she explode, implode, fade away gradually or did the rapture of the church seal her collapse from power?

We already know America is divided and we remember how Jesus said that a kingdom divided will not we just wonder if a bombshell like Obama's birth certificate, could push the nation even further into divisiveness.

Or....maybe Pat Boone has totally flipped his lid?...and will just be one other "Christian" that the liberals can poke fun at when (if?) his prediction doesn't come true.


  1. I think America is mentioned in the last days. In Rev:12:14 it mentions the woman given wings of the great eagle to be nourished for a time and times and half a time. Think about it in Daniel 7 his vision of the four beasts. Does it not mention the lion with wings? As Great Russia is the Bear (even time magazine cover had "Russia the Bear"England's animal or mascot if you will is the Lion; and what is America? The Bald Eagle and we happen to break off the Lion in 1776 to become the man known all over the world as in Uncle Sam. Pretty awesome coincidence.No!? Btw....
    The Germanys "mascot" is the Leopard!
    To have four heads is to have four times of great power. History proves Germany to have had 3 already with them rising to power as in world leader soon which would be their 4th time. I get goose bumps when I study this! So do some reading in Dan.7 and rev.12..its awesome.! We know in Dan.7:17 the beasts are said to be kings and kings have kingdoms or as we now call them I believe we do play a minor part with no encore because we're not mentioned again. Happy reading!

  2. Hi kpow,
    I have heard the case made about America being the great eagle...and of course no one can really say that's positively not a possibility.

    However, I remember back to the days when 9/11 happened and 3000 people lost their lives and how the stock market crashed, business came to a standstill, the airports shut down, and everyone sat huddled around their TV'S for days....just trying to figure out what was happening.

    Now, use that as a backdrop and think about it....if the disappearance of 3000 people caused America to halt on 9/11...what do you think will happen to this country when 30,000,000 to 60,000,000 (just guessing 10-20% of US population) people simply vanish when the trumpet blows at the rapture. How many folks in the military would vanish? How many people that run our infrastructure would vanish? How many members of Congress? How many Presidents of businesses? How many mortgages would go into default that were owned by vanished Christians??

    Just think about the chaos!! The stock market would collapse...we most likely would default on our bond obligations and the rest of the world would quickly jerk their money from our economy.

    So I believe the rapture will affect America more than any other Western nation, since we have the largest percentage of citizens filled with the Holy Spirit.

    Also, Rev. 12:14 says, "The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert." Of course the woman is the remnant of Israel...and she will given two wings so she can fly to the desert. Many watchers believe Petra, Jordan will be the destination.

    So for me, I think it's a real stretch to say America is the two wings of an eagle...that carries Israel into the a place that God prepared from them.

    However, since YOU AND I WON'T BE HERE to find out for is all just fun speculation.

    Daniel 7, I have been taught, is really a repeat of the statue dream in Daniel 2. It is describing the same kingdoms that will rule over the Jews starting with Babylon, followed by Medo-Persia, followed by Greece, followed by Rome. The 4 head of the leopard came true when Alexander the Great died and his kingdom of Greece was divided among his 4 generals. They continued to rule most of the known world...which is why the NT was written in Greek...even though Rome ruled at the time of Christ and destroyed the Temple in 70 AD.

    Daniel 7;4 says the lion had the wings of an eagle...and we know that never referred to America.

    So, my conclusion of what scripture says in this passage is not the same as yours....but it really doesn't matter since I hope we are both watching it play out from the bleacher seats with Jesus!
