
Monday, June 9, 2014

Pope Jumps Into Middle East Peace Process

This morning I was watching CBS News and they had a story about how the Pope was bringing the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, and Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, both together at the Vatican...and they were ALL GOING TO PRAY for peace!

Think about that one second.....who is the Pope going to pray to?  Mary, St. Francis, a previous pope maybe?

And who is Abbas going to pray to?  Allah, of course.

And who is Peres going to pray to?

Many watchers are wondering if we are seeing the formation of the ONE WORLD RELIGION starting to shift into high gear!  Call up Joel Osteen and the Mormons and get them all on board!  The cry from the world says, "Just pray!  We all worship the same just pray to the god that you perceive and feel is god."

“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” Revelation 17:6

Pope Francis is a man on a mission to fulfill bible prophecy, and he is getting more done than any other Pope in the last 100 years. Pope Francis is here to make some serious and drastic changes not only in the Catholic Vatican system, in the professing Christianity as well.  He is creating the One World Religion.

The bible, in Revelation 17 and 18, talks about a harlot church that rules the spiritual world. She is wealthy beyond description, and all the kings and mighty men of the earth want to be in a spiritual bed with her. The bible says that she is a city that “sitteth on seven hills”, and is “drunk with the blood of the saints”. This can only be one system, one place, one church – the Roman Catholic Church whose Vatican headquarters sits on the famed Seven Hills in Rome.

This week, not only did Pope Francis hold ecumenical services in the Vatican where he prayed to the moon god of Islam, Allah, he also held high level meetings with megachurch pastor Joel Osteen and US Senator Mike Lee who was there to represent the Mormon church. The actors have taken the stage, with more still arriving, in the unfolding of what will one day soon be the wildest bible prophecy ever told – the Great Tribulation.

““I like the fact that this pope is trying to make the church larger, not smaller. He’s not pushing people out but making the church more inclusive. That resonated with me,” Osteen told the Houston Chronicle. 

The Christian Post reports that according to Westmont College, Francis had invited more than a dozen “North American Protestant leaders” to discuss the question: “Can we find common ground in order to advance the life and ministry of Jesus so more people can experience the joy of Christian faith?”

The ecumenical meeting was a part of Pope Francis’ on-going efforts to bring unity among Christians, previously stating in public remarks, “Divisions among us, but also divisions among the communities: evangelical Christians, orthodox Christians, Catholic Christians, but why divided? We must try to bring about unity.”

However, Pope Francis’s call for unity goes beyond the Christian community. During his recent visit to the Middle East, Francis invited Israeli Jewish and Muslim leaders to join him in prayer for peace for their region at the Vatican this Sunday. Israel’s Chief of State Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Abu Mazen will be joined by a delegation of rabbis, Islamic imams, and Israeli Druze community leaders, according to news reports.


Jesus clearly said that as the end of the age continues to come closer that people will hate the name of Jesus and hate the people who follow Jesus.  Why?  Because Jesus CLEARLY SAID that He is the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER!  That means that Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, moral-atheists, Hindus, Catholics, Osteen disciples,...anyone who doesn't have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus IS NOT going to dwell eternally with God.


According to the Bible there are only TWO possible places we will be 100 years from now....either with God/Jesus in heaven...OR...with Satan, demons and fallen angels in hell.

The world HATES that they have summoned up an alternate reality....which is that ALL GOOD PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HEAVEN!

And when all those GOOD PEOPLE get together...they start pushing for ONE GOOD RELIGION that they can all agree on.  And the Pope's popularity seems to be pushing this who idea along...rather quickly.

One day, possibly soon, the Antichrist will become involved in this ONE GOOD RELIGION.

The push is on....

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