
Monday, July 7, 2014

Are You an Ally of the LGBT Community?

At the largest bank in the USA, employees are being asked some rather bizarre questions....and you have to sign your name to your answers, so they are not just part of a random, anonymous survey.

Which description applies best to you:

1)  A person with disabilities;
2)  A person with children with disabilities;
3)  A person with a spouse/domestic partner with disabilities;
4)  A member of the LGBT community;
5)  An ally of the LGBT community, but not personally identifying as LGBT.

How do you answer?  What if you are NONE OF THE ABOVE?  Could you be singled out for retribution if you REFUSE to call yourself an ally of the LGBT community??

NEW YORK – The largest bank in the United States now allegedly requires its employees to state whether or not they are supporters of the homosexual lifestyle.

JPMorgan Chase, headquartered in New York City, is the United States’ largest bank, with total assets of over $2.5 trillion. The bank has overtly supported homosexuality for several years, appearing in several “gay pride” events and even offering a number of special benefits to bank employees who identify as “LGBT.”

The employee further explained that the survey was not anonymous, since it required everyone to enter personal identification information. The implications, he suggested, are chilling.

“With the way things are going and the fact that LGBT rights are being viewed as pretty much tantamount to the civil rights movement of the mid-50s to late 60s, not selecting that option is essentially saying ‘I’m not an ally of civil rights’; which is a vague way to say ‘I’m a bigot,’” he told George. “The worry among many of us is that those who didn’t select that poorly placed, irrelevant option will be placed on the ‘you can fire these people first’ list.”

George agreed, writing in a blog post that JPMorgan Chase could quickly quash any dissenters who do not support the homosexual lifestyle.

“The message to all employees is perfectly clear:  You are expected to fall into line with the approved and required thinking,” George stated. “Nothing short of assent is acceptable. Silent dissent will no longer be permitted.”

After George first drew attention to the JPMorgan Chase survey, another employee of the bank contacted him to confirm the initial report.

“I just wanted to confirm the Chase employee survey,” the second employee said. “It did have the last two options about being an LBGT ally. … [I] was blown away by this question. I have no idea what they were thinking when they asked that.”

As previously reported, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last week that “closely held corporations” can operate according to their owners’ religious beliefs. However, because JPMorgan Chase is a publicly-traded banking company, the same standards likely do not apply. The bank’s questioning of employees’ beliefs on homosexuality is therefore concerning to many Christians.


During The Tribulation people will have to choose sides.  Are they on God's side or the Antichrist's?  If they choose God, most likely they will lose their head.  If they choose the beast, and take his mark in order to buy or sell anything, they will lose their chance for eternal salvation.

As these days approach, we can expect to see more foreshadowing of people being forced to take sides.  Employers who support the LGBT lifestyle and gay marriage have now equated that movement with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960' in their eyes, if you don't support LGBT then you are just like the nasty bigots who didn't support equal rights for blacks in the 1960's!!

Are we prepared to stand for Christ in these last days?  What if it means sacrificing our job?  What if it means losing some of our friends?  What if it meas dividing some of our families because we are the only member who doesn't celebrate LGBT?

We all need to remember that Jesus clearly told us that THE WORLD would hate us and that this shouldn't surprise us....because THE WORLD hated Him first!!

Remember, we are ALL BORN INTO SIN!  Born-again believers acknowledge this fact and REPENT of their sinful lusts and behaviors that we are ALL BORN WITH!!  Our prayer is that through the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we hope to be CHANGED.

If Jesus can create the universe, the world and all that is in it...I'm quite positive He has enough power to change you and me from the lustful, perverted, selfish liars that we were all born as....even those who were born with lusts toward members of the same sex.

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