
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dreams, Visions, Jesus and Islam

We have been writing about dreams and visions happening in the Muslim world since 2008...and they continue today, maybe even at a faster pace!  This is exciting and GOOD NEWS people!  Muslims are coming to Christ!  Do you want to know the formula for Mid-East peace??....turning the Muslims into followers of Christ!!

The author of this article makes the bold and exciting claim that more Muslims have become Christ followers in the last 10 years than in the previous 1400 years combined!!

As we have seen over the last 2-3 years, the ballyhoo over the “Arab Spring” has died out, and the so-called great awakening has turned into a nightmare. However, throughout the Muslim world another awakening has been taking place. Quietly and in a much more personal way.

“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me” (Isaiah 65:1). 

The Prophet Isaiah wrote those words twenty seven hundred years ago, a warning to Israel that God would open the doors of His kingdom to people other than the Jews if Israel turned from Him. 

We now know it was a foreshadowing of God's long term plan to bring Gentiles into His family. Paul made this clear in Romans 10, in which he agonizes over his people—the Jews, and their rejection of Jesus The Messiah. The benefits of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus would now extend to the Gentiles:

“For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:12-13). 

The book, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus awakening the Muslim World? authored by Pastor Tom Doyle, who has spent eleven years as a full time Missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia. Muslims, men and women alike are experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus. Not in one isolated area, or a small select group of people, dozens of Islamic countries and countless Muslim cultures have been invaded by the love of Christ. Renouncing Islam and embracing Christ, more often than not at the risk of losing their lives, the stories are inspiring and astounding.

Muslims are coming to Jesus all over the globe. Their faith is fresh and their passion burning. Our new brothers and sisters in Christ live in Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gaza Strip. They are bold and ready to die for Christ. In Egypt,  ten imams who have become Christians, have been brought together, and hold prayer meeting three times a week to pray that their families and those in their mosques will come to find Jesus.

More Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus than ever before. It is possible that in the last ten years -- than in the last fourteen centuries of Islam, more Muslims have become followers of Jesus Christ. Daily, we read in the headlines of terrorism and atrocities committed in the name of Islam. But is the real story about Muslims, ignored by the media, is that Jesus is reaching out to them with his offer of eternal life earned by His death on the cross and His resurrection? Islam has a visitor. Jesus has arrived. 

Read it all here;   

Friends, the news on planet earth looks and sounds REALLY BAD!  Rockets falling into Israel, drug use exploding among our youth, ISIS taking control of Iraq, dozens of people shooting each other in Chicago over race and turf,...the list is long and goes on and on!!  BUT JESUS IS IN TOTAL CONTROL!!  He always has been and always will be!  This GOOD NEWS of Muslims leaving their faith and coming to Jesus by the thousands every single day is SO EXCITING that the churches across America should be blowing the trumpet and proclaiming this GOOD NEWS!!

Yet, in my conversations with other church-going people, I find almost NONE that have any clue that this great harvest is taking place.  Why is that?

Now that you know, maybe we can all get involved in trying to get this message out to the churches of America.

"The harvest is at hand and the workers are few."

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