
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hamas Steps Up Attacks

The missiles are flying out of Gaza.  Israel is pummeling Hamas targets.  Arab civilians are being killed in collateral damage....and now Hamas is stepping up its trash talk about the 'punishment' it is going to unleash on Israel.

Palestinian Media Watch on Thursday posted a video of a broadcast on Hamas' Al-Aqsa television station from Wednesday which feature threats against Israelis in Hebrew.

"Zionists, wait and see stabbing attacks everywhere. Wait for suicide attacks on every bus, café and street. Wait for the rage and for revenge for Gaza, wait for the flames of the West Bank and inside you [Israel]," the broadcast threatens.

The propaganda video was released as the IDF was carrying out Operation Protective Edge in Gaza aimed at halting rocket fire on Israeli communities.

"Zionists, do you still remember the rockets that made Tel-Aviv and the Israeli Parliament tremble? We just wanted to tell you that we have thousands of them," the voice in Hebrew warns.

"Zionists, [we] can reach you above ground and below it. So start counting the number of coffins you'll need in these months."

Hamas has released a number of propaganda videos on Youtube since the Gaza operation began, threatening longer, more powerful rockets.

"Zionists, the resistance has many goals, it has the ability to reach places you thought were safe. Look, they [the rockets] are on their way to you now
and will reach you soon."


Wars and rumors of war....

We need to continue to pray for these poor Arabs caught in the crossfire.  Hamas is being run by Satanically inspired messengers of hate.  Satan HATES Israel and he hates Jews.  He would like nothing more than to exterminate all Jews from planet earth.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Only when Jesus returns will that region finally have peace.


  1. The time is close!!!

  2. Do you think it's gonna be soon? Aren't you feeling anxious?

  3. When I feel like his return is close I start singing.

    Whatcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when Jesus ("Hay-Zeuz") comes for you?

  4. With Israel under attack, Syria in shambles, Libya a mess, Iraq falling to ISIS, Hezbollah now shooting makes me wonder if the Psalm 83 war could result? Many prophecy watchers believe this event may happen around the time of the I will not be surprised if the trumpet blew at any time. Certainly no man knows the day or hour but we are told that if we are paying attention we will NOT be surprised. Come Lord Jesus!
