
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Is Prophecy About to be Fulfilled in Middle East?

This group of Sunni fighters that are sweeping through Iraq have declared Iraq and Syria as the new caliphate.

If these Sunni Muslims were just going to butcher their rival Shiite Muslims....then maybe The West and Israel would just stand back as observers and wait until the smoke clears.  After all, we have learned that no matter what side the USA takes...both sides will hate us anyway.

But there is something bigger going on.  ISIS might hate the Shiite Muslims and they might be willing to behead anyone who doesn't bow to their caliph...but they aren't going to stop there.  Their goal is the destruction of Israel.


Check out what the Rapture Report has to say about what they think this all means.

With all eyes on the Middle East and the gains being made by the fanatical Islamic terror group the ISIS (The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) across Iraq there have been a few intresting developments that show that the Bible prophecy puzzle pieces are being put into place on the world stage. The ISIS group declared an "Islamic Caliphate" across areas that they had over-run recently. The Jerusalem Post reports:

An offshoot of al Qaeda which has captured territory in Iraq and Syria has declared itself an Islamic "caliphate" and called on factions worldwide to pledge their allegiance, a statement posted on Islamist websites and Twitter said on Sunday. The move poses a direct challenge to the central leadership of al Qaeda, which has already disowned it, and to conservative Gulf Arab rulers.
The group, previously known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has renamed itself "Islamic State" and proclaimed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as "Caliph" - the head of the state, the statement said. "He is the imam and khalifah (Caliph) for the Muslims everywhere," the group's spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani said in the statement, which was translated into several languages and read out in an Arabic audio speech.

Another article shows that the anti-Assad rebels have taken over 95% of the Syrian held Golan Heights that is disputed between Israel and Syria. Of course, the land rightfully belongs to Israel, but the Islamic mindset will never allow for that so the area is hotly contested these days. But I believe all of this could change very soon. The Times of Israel reports:

Almost the entire Syrian side of the Golan Heights is now under the control of rebel forces, including radical Islamist groups, a senior Israeli military commander in the area said Friday. Only the Quneitra border area is still in the hands of forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, Lt.-Col. Anan Abbas, deputy commander of the Golan Brigade, told Israel's Channel 10. About 95 percent of the Syrian side of the Golan is in the hands of anti-Assad rebels, including radical Islamic groups such as the Al-Nusra Front, affiliated with al-Qaeda, a rival of the burgeoning Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, better known as ISIL or ISIS.
One of two Syrian army brigades that used to control the area has completely disappeared, the officer said. At present, the Islamist groups in the area are focused on the war against Assad, he said, "but we know their goal is to harm Israel; we've seen their propaganda material."

These interesting developments show in my mind that the conditions on the ground are becoming ripe for the coming fulfillment of the Isaiah 17, Pslam 83, and the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies.

While some lesser know Bible prophecy teachers suggest that the Islamic hordes are going to create an Islamic Caliphate across the Middle East and that the so called "Islamic" Anitchrist will eventually rise out of this Islamic Caliphate, the truth is the Lord has given us firsthand knowledge in the Bible to know better than that. You see, the Bible tells us in Daniel 9:26 that:

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. - Daniel 9:26

Well, let me explain. It is my belief that what we are watching happen right now in the Middle East is the preparation for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, in particular I believe that we are witnessing the stage being set for the fulfillments of Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38-39. How is that so? As we see one dictator after another being removed from power in the Middle East, we see them being replaced by fanatical leaders and regimes. This in turn will cause the atmosphere in the region to go downhill which will cause fanatical elements such as Al-Qaeda and the ISIS to rise and make a move on Israel. As we have seen from the newspaper articles above, we know that the botton line goal for these terrorist groups is to destroy Israel.

But what these groups plan to do and what actually happens is a very different story. To get the truth, we look at the Bible where we are given information in the scriptures that shows that Israel will ultimately defeat her immediate border enemies (inner-ring) during the Isaiah 17 and Pslam 83 prophecies. Then at a later date, we will see Israel soundly defeat the invading Moslem enemies (outer-ring) through the divine intervention of God as described in Ezekiel 38-39.

All of this is currently in some sort of fulfillment as we speak. We see Russia (Magog) and Iran (Persia) aligning themselves together through military, economic, and scientific projects. The time is getting shorter and the prophetic puzzle pieces are being put in action. I want to encourage everyone to stick to what the Word of God says, rather than theories and unbiblical ideas being put forth by "false teachers" out there in the Bible prophecy community. We can rely solely on God's Word in order to know where and what to watch for in these end times. As we see these things coming closer and closer into view, we need to keep looking up, as our redemption is drawing nigh!


Yes, it does seem likely that the Antichrist will come from the same people-group of those who destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD....and that would be the Romans/Italians.

I keep thinking about the word CONVERGENCE...and how SO MANY SIGNS all seem to be happening at once.  Earthquakes are being reported in very rare places, famines, wars, pestilence, race against race, nation against nation, anti-Semitism growing, hatred of Bible believers growing, Satanic evil manifesting, salt losing its saltiness, love growing cold, Gospel message being perverted, scoffers abound in our churches...the list goes on and on.

Meanwhile, most Americans have NO IDEA how close we might be to the age of grace being slammed shut, the trumpet blowing and the world changed forever.

Why should we care??  The stock markets are breaching new highs!!

Dow, S&P surge to new record closing highs


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