
Monday, July 21, 2014

Muslims Order Christians to Convert, Pay Tax or Die

This article really needs no introduction.

Christians in Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, were sent a message by the Islamic State (IS): convert to Islam, pay the jizya or leave. It appears that many are taking the new self-proclaimed Caliphate seriously.

IS, formerly ISIS, is not formally recognized as a state and is considered a rebel group. It is composed of Sunni insurgent groups and was thought to have significant ties to Al-Qaeda (although Al-Qaeda formally dissociated itself from IS in February). Known for violence against the Shia and Christians, Secretary of State John Kerry has described IS as “more extreme even than al Qaeda.”

IS moved into Mosul last month and made no secret of their plans to impose the tax. Yesterday, after Christian leaders didn’t attend a meeting called by IS leaders, IS moved on those plans, issuing a formal statement. The text of the statement was simple:

We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of Jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword.

The statement, originally issued by letter, was also broadcast via loudspeaker from mosques earlier today.

Jizya (sometimes written as jizyah and pronounced “jiz-yuh”) is the term for a tax paid by non-Muslims. The tax is the result of a centuries old contract called a dhimma. Under a dhimma, non-Muslims who lived in a Muslim state were protected under the law so long as they paid the tax: they were referred to as ahlu dh-dhimmati (people of protection) or simply al-dhimma or dhimmis. The arrangement is sometimes referred to as a “residence in return for taxes.”

Despite the fact that many of us are hearing about jizya for the first time, the concept has been around for some time. It’s even found in the Qur’an – you can see the mention at 9:29:

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the Jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Here; here are your choices...convert to Islam, pay us extortion money OR you can die.

More evidence the Islam IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE!!

Also this is interesting because it sounds a lot like what will be happening during the Great Tribulation. During that time, those folks who are left behind will be given a choice to take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist and his system OR they will be killed.

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