
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Obama Warns Israel

Sorry for the lack of postings this past week but was busy doing some church things.  I'm back now and there sure has been plenty of news to talk about!

This headline for sure caught my attention.

Gaza conflict: Obama warns Israel amid rising death toll

Speaking to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, he underlined his support for Israel's right to defend itself against Palestinian militants.
But he said he was "deeply concerned" about civilian losses, with the Palestinian death toll now over 300.
Fifteen Palestinians were reported killed in two incidents on Saturday morning, including a family of eight.

Ummm...Mr. Obama?...have you not seen the videos that clearly show Hamas placing little kids by the rockets shooting out of Gaza?  If I can see them...why the heck can't you?  As crazy as it sounds, Hamas actually wants some kids to get killed so they can parade them all in front of the TV cameras!

If Hamas doesn't want it's civilians killed....then quit launching rockets from civilian areas!!

Mr. Obama, what would you do if crazy Muslims were launching thousands of missiles into Washington D. C.?  I would hope you would do whatever is necessary to make the missiles stop!

Hamas has the blood of its civilians on its own hands....and let's remember that the civilians are who elected Hamas in the first place.

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