
Friday, August 8, 2014

Nuke Gaza to End the War?

It was about 69 years ago, August 6, 1945 that America dropped a nuke on Japan and incinerated tens of thousands of civilians.  We issued no warning...we just dropped it on those folks while they were heading to work, school, shopping, etc...

It was just a normal day until destruction came on the suddenly.

When Japan refused to surrender, we dropped another one on Nagasaki and killed 50,000 more civilians.

President Truman had decided that it was better to kill 100,000 civilians and crush Japan than it was to lose 300,000 US soldiers invading the Japanese mainland....and he was right.

Now what should Israel do now that Hamas is flinging more missiles?  Should they take a hint from what USA did to Japan?...and not give any thought or warning to Gaza's civilians...but just make them silent...and force them to unconditionally surrender?

The issue is not whether Israel actually HAS any nuclear capability, so Dichter’s comments must be viewed metaphorically.
Hamas is at least as fanatical — and at times as suicidal — as was Japan. Rational discourse is not an option. Israel has tried, and failed. As of this writing, some four hours after Hamas broke the last 72-hour truce, Israel’s military response has been limited.
Unquestionably, the majority of Israeli opinion is that there is no long term solution, other than the full demilitarization of Gaza — and the West Bank, for that matter. Events continue to unfold, but Israel is not controlling them.
Perhaps what is unthinkable today may become the only option tomorrow


The Bible gives us some hints that nuclear weapons may be used in the Last Days....maybe these statement by Israel's CIA are just one more?

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